Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


Staff pay tribute to murdered colleague


TRIBUTES have been paid to a “vibrant, cheerful and humorous” woman found dead by her sister.

Police launched a murder probe after the body of 59-year-old Pauline Kilkenny was discovered at her home in Co Fermanagh on Tuesday.

Colleagues at Lilley’s Centra and Topaz Service Station described her as a “good, kind, caring and beautiful person” who “did not deserve this ending”.

In a statement issued on Facebook, Una Lilley said: “We are utterly devastated and deeply shocked by the unfolding of events which have culminated in the death of our valued team member and friend Pauline.”

Concerns had been raised when Ms Kilkenny didn’t turn up at work and her body was found by her sister at about 1pm.

The contents of Ms Kilkenny’s handbag and her car had also been removed from the house on the Cornacully Road, between Belcoo and Garrison.

A 28-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder while a woman, 26, was being questioned last night.

Police yesterday sealed off a house in Galliagh Park, Enniskille­n, as part of their investigat­ion. Ms Lilley added: “Pauline has been with us as a full-time member of our deli team for just under two years.

“Such was her personalit­y it feels like longer. As a person she was vibrant, cheerful, humorous and colourful. She honestly had the heart of a lion and the compassion of a saint.

“She adored cats and dogs and particular­ly if they were injured or in need, they had her undivided attention.

“It was the same with people, the more you needed her the more committed to you she would be.

“As an employee she was also committed, hard-working, reliable and always the first person to volunteer if you needed extra help.

“For her not to be at work was completely out of character and almost immediatel­y her co-workers were concerned as was I.

“In our wildest imaginings we did not anticipate this tragedy, she did not deserve this ending. It is in stark contrast to the good, kind, caring and beautiful person Pauline was.

“She was an exceptiona­l human being and we are going to miss her presence and her colour from our daily lives greatly.” Ms Lilley extended the firm’s deepest sympathy to Ms Kilkenny’s parents, sisters, wider family circle and friends.

Independen­t Councillor Bernice Swift said the entire community had been plunged into shock.

She added: “I express my sincere condolence­s to the entire family circle of Pauline Kilkenny on her horribly tragic and wholly shocking death.

“The thoughts and prayers of the Belcoo and neighbouri­ng parish community are with the family.” Det Chief Insp John Caldwell said: “My thoughts go out to the victim’s family, including her sister who will no doubt have been left traumatise­d by the discovery of her sister’s body. I’m appealing to anyone who has any informatio­n to contact detectives at serious crime branch on 101 quoting reference 573 13/11/18.” Crimestopp­ers can be contacted anonymousl­y on 0800 555 111.

 ??  ?? SEARCH Forensic officer POLICE PROBE Officers hunt for clues in Co Fermanagh yesterday
SEARCH Forensic officer POLICE PROBE Officers hunt for clues in Co Fermanagh yesterday
 ??  ?? INVESTIGAT­ION Police seal off house in Galliagh Park, Enniskille­n
INVESTIGAT­ION Police seal off house in Galliagh Park, Enniskille­n
 ??  ?? TRAGIC DEATH Pauline Kilkenny
TRAGIC DEATH Pauline Kilkenny

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