Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

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We all want to look and feel a million dollars for the Christmas party season. Yesterday, I told how I shed 12 stone and was finally able to fit into clothes I never dared dream I could wear.

Today, I want to give you the tools to do the same thing, and kickstart your very own Christmas party dress diet.

Losing weight is tough. There is no such thing as a quick fix or a miracle pill.

But the formula is simple – burn more calories than you consume. Stick to that principle and you WILL lose weight.

Everyone is bound to have little blips along the way, but don’t see that as failure and a signal to give up – just draw a line under it and move on.

Here are 10 tips for staying on track, and a great eight-day kickstart diet that will tell your body you mean business.

Here comes that party frock.

1. Be your own inspiratio­n

Find pictures of the dresses you want to be able to wear and stick them on your

Losing weight can seem like an uphill challenge, but starting with a clean slate, a positive mind-set and a kitchen emptied of sweet treats and filled with healthy alternativ­es can help you succeed.

Follow my eight-day kick-start diet plan to set your mind and body on the road to weight loss and that dream party dress. You won’t regret it. Start each day with hot water and lemon. Often people mistake thirst for hunger. If you drink plenty of water it can help ward off hunger pangs and the lemon is good for your immune system.

I make lunch my main meal, so my body has plenty of time to burn it off. fridge, in your car, at your desk, anywhere you are tempted to give in to your cravings. Some people have even told me they stuck a picture of the old, obese me on their fridge to spur them on.

Any time you feel like cracking and snacking, those pictures will be there to remind you of your goal.

2. Find a diet partner

It is so much easier to stick to something if you share the journey. That way if there are days you are feeling like giving up you will have someone who can empathise with you and spur you on.

If none of your friends or family want to join in, how about finding someone online? I found loads of support from my Facebook page. There are lots of groups on social media that share tips. You may even end up making some new friends.

3. Be honest with yourself

I wasn’t just “big-boned”, I had made myself fat by gorging on bread, crisps, crumpets and red wine. Once I accepted Try to avoid snacking. If you are really struggling have a small bunch of grapes or a handful of nuts to help you stay on track. Remember, it’s only for eight days. If there are meals you don’t like, substitute them for one from the same time slot on another day. This diet is not suitable for pregnant or breast-feeding women, nor for children, teenagers, those with a history of eating disorders or anyone who is frail or unwell.

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How I looked before I took control
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