Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

PM has her fudge.. now will the MPS swallow it?

Brussels rubber-stamps compromise in 38 minutes May faces Commons fight with rebels, DUP and Labour


IT took just 38 minutes for Theresa May’s Brexit plan to be agreed by the EU in Brussels yesterday but she now faces a much tougher task getting it past MPS back home.

By last night, more than 100 Tories and DUP MPS had warned they would vote against the compromise proposals, which critics say leaves Britain bound to European rules with no say over them.

And the desperate PM last night embarked on a two-week campaign of begging for support to avoid a no-deal scenario and save her job.

Among those bidding to block the deal is Brexiteer John Hayes, recently given a knighthood by Mrs May in what many saw as a bribe to win his backing.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn branded her fudged plans a “miserable failure” that his party would vote against. His colleague Lisa Nandy said it was “inconceiva­ble” she would back the deal.

DUP leader Arlene Foster insisted there were no circumstan­ces in which her 10 MPS will back the deal – and said she will “review” her £1billion pact propping up the Tories if it goes through. Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt underlined Mrs May’s high-stakes gamble by warning there is a fear the Government could collapse if the deal is rejected in a Commons vote between December 10 and 12. He said: “It’s not possible to rule out anything.”

But the PM staked her future on the deal. She also refused to quit if defeated.

And in a bid to get her way she will pit MPS against the public by warning colleagues they have a “duty” to back her deal “in the national interest”.

She will tell them today: “There is not

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