Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

They’re doing a roaring trade in Vera hats on the market... but I’ll never let success go to my head


Blethyn in 1964 and took up amateur dramatics as a hobby. When her husband left her for a neighbour in 1973, she enrolled at Guildford School of Acting. She was soon at the National Theatre and, in 1980, was cast in Mike Leigh’s TV play Grown-ups – and her career took off.

Brenda is now happily married to Michael Mayhew, former art director of the National Theatre. They wed in 2010, after 30 years together.

And she has done so many great films and TV shows that it’s hard for her to pick out highlights.

Working with some of Hollywood’s leading men, surely? Harvey Keitel, Donald Sutherland, Kris Kristoffer­son, Brad Pitt? “Well,’ she says, “I did get a bit giggly around Robert Redford.

“I was fine when we were shooting A River Runs Through it in 1992. But when we went out for dinner in London later I went all silly. He just has to look at you...”

She goes on:

“It’s hard to pick favourite roles as I’m proud of most of the films I’ve made. But Pride And Prejudice [2005] was bliss. “Playing Mrs Bennett opposite Donald Sutherland with Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley and Tom Hollander in that lovely house, during a glorious summer – heaven. I heard they were making it and nagged my agent to get me the part of Mrs Bennett because she is so often played as a cartoon character – and she’s not. “She was the only person taking that family’s problem seriously – i.e. when dad died, they were all going to be out on their ear’oles. So I loved it.” Brenda is also very proud of the skills she has learned for her roles. She says: “I learned to drive a bus on a skid pad for On A Clear Day [2005] and I was taught to skate for another role... so that’s Dancing On Ice sorted,” she jokes. “I used to be able to dance, too – but not Strictly standard – and learned French in two weeks for a role. I also rode a horse across the Nevada desert with Kris Kristoffer­son and Julie Walters in Girls’ Night.”

Despite dozens of movies, Brenda is still spotted most for the TV sitcom she did with Simon Callow from 84-86.

She says: “I was in a cave in Australia once when someone nudged me and asked, ‘Weren’t you in Chance In A Million?’ I get recognised from Vera now, so she might just be edging it.”

But Brenda, who was awarded an OBE for services to drama in 2003, doesn’t mind stopping to chat to fans.

Because she must be the least “starry” celeb in the showbiz galaxy.

“When I was at the Oscars, I was just gawping at everyone” she says.

“Well, if you see someone you’ve seen on the telly or in a film you can’t help doing a double-take, can you?

“It’s usually because they look so much smaller. I don’t get all the starry stuff, though. I think it’s stupid to pretend to be something you’re not.

“You’re a different person when you’re doing the job, not when you’re not. Why let it go to your head?”

Vera is on ITV at 8pm, January 13.

 ??  ?? CRUSH US star Redford
CRUSH US star Redford

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