Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Roo-hab for Wayne Claims Coleen has issued ‘wake-up call’ on boozing

David’s Beck in court for driving charge


DAVID Beckham has been charged with using his mobile while driving - just months after dodging a speeding rap. The ex-england skipper, 43, is alleged to have been spotted making a call in his £200,000 Bentley on November 21 by an onlooker who called police.

Yesterday his case was set for March 19 at Bromley magistrate­s court in South London.

In September the dad-of-four had a speeding charge dropped on a technicali­ty after hiring “Mr Loophole” lawyer, Nick Freeman. WAYNE Rooney has allegedly been ordered into rehab by his wife Coleen in a bid to tackle his boozing.

It has also been claimed the former England captain has previously received counsellin­g after drinking incidents.

Coleen, 32, is understood to have issued a “wake-up call” to her husband in the hope he will behave himself better.

And it is believed the mum of four has told him to seek profession­al advice.

Her concerns follow reports Wayne, 33, had been drinking with a barmaid after a night out with his DC United team-mates in Clearwater Beach, Florida this month.

The ex-manchester United striker was on a 12-day training camp with his team.

In December last year he was arrested and fined for public intoxicati­on and swearing at Washington Dulles Airport.


His arrest came four months after he left Everton to join the US club on a £300,000-a-week deal.

This week a source was quoted as saying: “Wayne has been here before. In 2016, after England’s humiliatin­g Euros exit to Iceland, he sought help from a counsellor to help overcome his problems.”

Wayne’s press team have been approached for a comment.

Coleen was pictured yesterday in Washington without her wedding ring after a Valentine’s Day visit to a nail salon.

In 2017 he received a two-year road ban for being over the limit while driving a car belonging to a woman he met in a bar.

Coleen later forgave him, saying: “Do I love Wayne? Yes I do. If I didn’t, then I wouldn’t be trying to make it work...”

 ??  ?? TECHNICALI­TY Beckham HEALTH KICKS Couple out separately in Washington
TECHNICALI­TY Beckham HEALTH KICKS Couple out separately in Washington

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