Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


Call for ban on killer unmanned weapons & drones

- BY MARTIN BAGOT Science Correspond­ent in Washington, DC

KILLER robots pose a “threat to humanity”, the world’s biggest gathering of scientists has been told.

Activists want Britain to sign a UN treaty banning them in the same way as landmines.

The call comes just days after Home Secretary Gavin Williams unveiled plans for unmanned swarm drones to “enhance our lethality”.

The UK is among 12 countries opposing a treaty to prevent developmen­t of fully autonomous weapons – tanks, planes, ships and guns which act without human interventi­on.

The Government insists humans will always be in charge of our robot weapons.

But campaigner­s fear the new armaments could use live operators merely to confirm a suggested strike. Mary Wareham, of Human Rights Watch, said: “World security and the future of humanity hinges on banning killer robots.”

Autonomous weapons include the Samsung sentry gun, which reportedly guards the South Korean border.

Reports suggest it identifies targets with voice and visual recognitio­n and also decides whether to shoot. China too is investing in weapons with limited human control, prompting arms race fears.

On Monday Mr Williamson said Britain’s £7million squadron of swarm drones “capable of confusing and overwhelmi­ng enemy air defences” will be ready by the end of the year. Opponents fear they will increase civilian deaths due to the emotional distance between user and victim.

Scientists and human rights experts gathered at the Associatio­n for the Advancemen­t of Science in Washington, DC to discuss the technology.

Ms Wareham said: “Fully autonomous weapons are one of the worst examples of what can go wrong with artificial intelligen­ce.”

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 ??  ?? FUTURE OF WAR? Terminator film’s bot acts alone WARNING Swarm drone
FUTURE OF WAR? Terminator film’s bot acts alone WARNING Swarm drone

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