Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


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Aries March 21–April 20

Relatives and close friends will try to influence plans for the future. Although they mean well, you aren’t inclined to follow convention­al wisdom. Whether it’s work, relationsh­ips, money or family, if intuition tells you to go in a new direction, obey it. If you feel it’s time to look for freelance work, go for it.


April 21 – May 21

Social opportunit­ies increase through all the parties you’ve been at recently. People are drawn to your charm and sophistica­tion. Spend the day preparing yourself for a New Year’s Eve party. Splash out on a new outfit that will turn heads. You’re ready to expand your horizons.


May 22 –June 21

Make a promise to yourself that 2020 is the year to pursue your own ambitions. Travelling overseas, getting a degree and writing a book are among the possibilit­ies. Once you set your goal, take advantage of every opportunit­y that comes your way to help you reach it.


June 22 –July 23

Indulging your sensual side is not something you should feel guilty about. Give in to an impulse for pleasure. Cuddle with your romantic partner, go for a spa treatment or treat yourself to a gourmet meal. The New Year will be a great time to book a romantic break.


July 24 – August 23

Your strong work ethic inspires faith in employers. Don’t be surprised if you’re offered a promotion or raise. Transition­ing to another department will make you excited to wake up every morning. Are you yearning for love? You could meet someone special at a New Year’s Eve party.


Aug 24 – Sept 23

It will come to you that it is time to slow down and smell the flowers. Nobody works harder than you and you are seeing positive results of your efforts but it is time to recharge your batteries. You also want to make more time in your life for romance and friendship­s.

Libra Sept 24–Oct 23

Unhealthy habits can deplete energy. Embarking on a new fitness or diet regime will yield impressive results. A gentle exercise programme combined with improved diet and a better sleep routine will strengthen your system and make you feel good. Take things one step at a time.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Studying a subject that has always interested you will be a lot of fun. Intellectu­al pursuits will keep you stimulated and motivated. Learning opportunit­ies will abound over the year ahead. Be open to learning from someone who is much older or younger than yourself.


Nov 23 – Dec 21

Put some logical thought into how to increase your earning potential. If switching industries sounds like a good plan, do some research before you do anything drastic. Getting a degree or licence in the field of your choice will open the way into a much more lucrative job.


Dec 22 –Jan 20

Although you’re famous for being practical and sensible you also have a fun side. You’re feeling very sociable. It’s not often you’re the life and soul of the party and your friends are making the most of it. Mixing with people from all walks of life makes you excited for 2020.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

Spend a little time imagining where you would like to be in a year’s time. When you long for something, it helps to imagine enjoying your dream life. Visualise yourself enjoying the success and material comforts you desire. Believe that you will reach your goals.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

You have always enjoyed making things that are beautiful and useful. If you have been thinking about going into business for yourself, start selling your wares on a website with the work of creative people. You will soon attract a loyal following. Stop hiding your light behind a bushel.

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