Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

PM’S racism plan ‘written on back of a fag packet’

Critics dismiss new commission & demand immediate action now

- BY OLIVER MILNE Political Reporter

PLANS for a race inequality commission are a feeble “back-of-a-fag-packet” response to Black Lives Matter protests, Labour’s David Lammy says.

The Shadow Justice Secretary slammed Boris Johnson for announcing another review instead of taking urgent action.

The Prime Minister belittled the BLM movement by saying he wanted to end “the sense of victimisat­ion”, Mr Lammy said

He added: “It feels that yet again in the UK we want figures, data, but we don’t want action.

“Black people aren’t playing victim, as Boris indicated – they are protesting precisely because the time for review is over and the time for action is now.”

The PM wrote in a newspaper column that the Commission would look into discrimina­tion against black, Asian and minority ethnic people in criminal justice, education and health.

He added: “When thousands march peacefully for Black Lives Matter, you can’t ignore that… I can’t ignore the strength of feeling.”

But he condemned moves by protestors to tear down statues of historical figures linked to the slave trade as a bid to “Photoshop history”. He called instead for a “more cheerful” approach of putting up statues to BAME people. Mr Lammy questioned if the PM was acting in good faith, saying: ”I don’t know why he’s announced a commission behind the paywall, buried in the middle of yet another article about Churchill.”

The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparitie­s will also look at “other, wider inequaliti­es” in society, No10 said yesterday.

That will include the plight of white working-class boys who fall behind in school. The PM’S spokesman said work to set up the Commission has begun, and a report and recommenda­tions are expected by December. The Commission, supported by the Race Disparity Unit and Equalities Minister


Kemi Badenoch, will report to Mr Johnson.

Last night Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said the reason a leaked report on the risk of Covid-19 to BAME communitie­s has not been published is that more research was needed. He said: “We want to make sure we’ve got a clearer understand­ing so we can communicat­e it with practical advice to those involved.” Home Secretary Priti Patel praised Patrick Hutch-inson, who carried an injured counterdem­onstrator to safety during clashes in London on Saturday.

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