Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Opt-out organ hope for Ulster

Swann gives new hope to families waiting on life-saving transplant­s

- ORLAITH CLINTON irish@mgn.co.uk

NORTHERN Ireland appears to be heading closer to an organ donation opt-out programme after the latest announceme­nt by Health Minister Robin Swann.

Mr Swann yesterday confirmed his commitment to progressin­g the issue of soft opt-out in Northern Ireland.

And the Mirror understand­s this plan would include the creation of a strong relationsh­ip with the Republic so patients would not be forced to rely solely on UK organ availabili­ty.

Nine people died in Northern Ireland last year while waiting for an organ transplant.

Currently, almost 50% of the country’s population is signed up to being an organ donor but 112 patients remain on the waiting list.

Yesterday, Mr Swann’s announceme­nt was warmly welcomed by Mairtin Mac Gabhann whose son Daithi, three, was born with a congenital heart defect.

Mr Mac Gabhann said: “Organ donation is Daithi’s only hope so we’re delighted with the announceme­nt. Daithi has been the face of this campaign for the last couple of years and the amount of congratula­tions messages we’ve had has been unbelievab­le.

“It is a just a first step, but a first step in the right direction.”

England moved to an opt-out scheme in May where it is considered a person agrees their organs will be considered for donation unless they are in an excluded group or have confirmed they do not wish to be a donor

A similar move for here is some time off with the consultati­on process anticipate­d to start in the autumn.

Mr Swann announced his intention to hold a consultati­on on a move towards introducin­g the system for organ donation and to increase the promotion around the issue.

He met with the charity Kidney Care UK to discuss a range of issues and said he hopes this latest move would enable more organs to become available.

Mr Swann said: “Northern Ireland has an excellent record in organ donation

and transplant­ation, however, more needs to be done to increase the number of organs available for those in need of a transplant.

“While approximat­ely 47% of the population here are currently on the organ donation register, there are still approximat­ely 112 waiting on a transplant. We must do more to increase the number of donor organs available.

“With many more people willing to consider donating an organ than are actually registered as donors, I have long believed an opt-out system would be hugely beneficial and ultimately would save lives here.

“It is therefore my intention to consult on policy proposals for the introducti­on of a soft opt-out system

“This would bring us in line with the other countries in the UK. In the meantime, I encourage everyone to discuss their wishes about organ donation with family and friends.”

Jo-anne Dobson, Kidney Care UK’S Northern Ireland Ambassador, said the announceme­nt brings a “momentous day” for the entire kidney and organ donation family in Northern Ireland. She said: “I thank Minister Swann for his support and for taking this long- awaited step on progressin­g this important issue.

“Organ donation is an issue which has and will always remain close to my heart and I am delighted that we have a Health Minister in Northern Ireland who has taken it to his own.”

“This move will increase the chances of receiving new life for people who are waiting on a transplant both now and into the future.

“This is a good announceme­nt and a good day for organ donation and transplant­ation in Northern Ireland.” Mr Mac Gabhann, from West Belfast, said the move makes his family all the more determined to see the opt-out scheme in place.

He added: “People know about the hard work we put into this.

“We’ll play our part in the consultati­on process and get people to get involved. We just need to get this over the line and nothing will deter us from keeping our campaign going. “I have been working on this day and night for the past two years and haven’t had my focus on anything other than this soft opt-out and promoting organ donation. This is just a massive day.

“We are so proud of the Donate4dai­thi campaign and we couldn’t have done it without the support for people all over.

“The love and affection that people have shown to Daithi has been incredible.

“But along with this thanks, we still need their help to get this over the line. I can’t thank people enough, words don’t do it justice but we will need their help. It’s all we can ask organ donation is my son’s only hope.”

The current legislatio­n for Northern Ireland is an opt-in option for organ and tissue donation which is done by registerin­g to join the NHS Organ Donor Register.

You can also record a decision not to be a donor.

In 2016, the Assembly decided not to changes the principle of consent for organ donation but introduced a new statutory requiremen­t for the Health Department to promote donation as a means of increasing the number of organs available for transplant­ation.

Fearghal Mckinney, head of British Heart Foundation NI, said he welcomed introducin­g soft opt-out organ donation legislatio­n.

He added: “We have long supported this proposal. It’s a positive step that ultimately could help end the heartache for those who are waiting on the precious gift of a donated organ.

“BHF NI has steadfastl­y campaigned on this issue alongside the Donate4dai­thi campaign who have been tireless in their efforts.

“We made great strides last year with all councils in Northern Ireland voting in favour of the introducti­on of the soft opt-out system and we are glad the minister has listened.

“A similar change in the law in Wales in 2015 has resulted in family consent rates rising from less than 49% to 77%. We want to see the same impact for people in Northern Ireland.”

Organ donation is Daithi’s only hope. This is a small step but one in the right direction


 ??  ?? FIGHTER Daithi Macgabhann
FIGHTER Daithi Macgabhann
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? CLOSE BOND Daithi with parents Seph and Mairtin
SUPER HERO Daithi Macgabhann was born with a heart defect
CLOSE BOND Daithi with parents Seph and Mairtin SUPER HERO Daithi Macgabhann was born with a heart defect
 ??  ?? ACTION Health Minister Robin Swann wants change
ACTION Health Minister Robin Swann wants change

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