Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


Debris washed up on North Down coast


AROUND 100 tonnes of stinking waste have been removed from the Edenderry Industrial Estate, residents have been told.

People living in north Belfast, who campaigned for weeks to have illegal mass dumping in their area addressed, have been watching the major clean up operation in action over the last two days.

And they believe there is much

THE North Down coast has been hit by “wetwipe monsters from the deep” as vast clumps of them resurface from historical seabeds, according to NI Water.

It is thought the litter recently washed up along the coastline at Donaghadee has reappeared with the tide, stirred up from the seabed after settling there for some time.

NI Water, along with its appointed contractor, has carried out a clean up of the debris. David Harris, NI Water’s more to remove from the industrial estate and another nearby site off the Crumlin Road.

The stench, from clinical and household waste that was tipped into a huge warehouse in the area, has made residents’ lives hell for nearly six weeks, with homes plagued by swarms of flies and rats running freely.

Protest co-organiser Stacey Graham hopes the waste will be cleared within days. She said: “We

Wastewater Network ’s Area Manager, said the debris is not a result of a recent influx but items which were flushed down the loo some time ago.

He explained: “Items such as wipes and sanitary items can unfortunat­ely enter the sea when flushed down the toilet and are washed away with the tide, often settling on the sea bed.

“These items can remain there for a considerab­le time until weather conditions and sea swell cause them to be stirred from the seabed and wash up along our coastlines.

“However, such items ending up in the understand they’re making good progress, so far removing 100 tonnes of waste.

“Although that is only about half of what is there and it’ll probably be the beginning of next week before the site is fully cleared.”

The protesters are set to meet with Belfast City Council’s environmen­t agency today to discuss the strategy moving forward. environmen­t is completely avoidable if everyone adopts the simple habit of binning everything other than the three Ps - pee, poo and paper.”

Mr Harris added: “In the last 10 years, we’ve spent over £1.5billion investing in water and wastewater infrastruc­ture.

“However, no amount of investment will completely stop blocked pipes or these items polluting our environmen­t if people continue to flush wipes including flushable ones, sanitary items and cotton buds down the toilet.”

 ??  ?? WATCHFUL EYE Police monitor site of dumping
CLEAN UP Operation continues in North Belfast yesterday
WATCHFUL EYE Police monitor site of dumping CLEAN UP Operation continues in North Belfast yesterday

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