Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Covid cough woman tried to infect PCS


out, especially to their partner or their family in case they are judged.

“There is still a long way to go with mental health.”

She adds: “What I’ve learnt during this documentar­y is that the worst thing you can do is to close off. I know it sounds weird as an actor but I don’t like talking about myself.

“I find it quite hard. I’m fine talking about a project or a job but I’ve always found the thought of going to therapy a bit self-indulgent in a way.

“I don’t want to talk about myself all day, people have got it a lot worse than me... all those classic things.

“And I think a lot of people feel that way. But what I’ve learnt is that it is OK not to be OK, you can reach out and get help. I know it’s terrifying to do because I find it terrifying but even if it’s not with the people you love, do it secretly, with a charity. “They’ve got your best interests at heart and they are there wanting to help. It’s anonymous. You don’t need to feel ashamed or guilty or all these horrible feelings I have felt too.”

The cameras also follow Sheridan as she attends her first scans, prenatal classes and sessions with a therapist. On making the documentar­y, she says: “It really helped me personally and I just hope that the whole thing will help other women know what’s out there for them and know that they’re not alone and maybe get the conversati­ons going a bit more about that. I hope it can help.

“Being in lockdown has taught me a really good lesson. You’ve got to be OK with being on your own and being in your own head, because I’m going to be a mum.

“He will come first in my world. Everything will be about him but it’s important that we take care of our own mental health too. Having a baby never crossed my mind until I met Jamie. I love him so much. He’s so brilliant. He’s going to be a great dad. I just hope I’m a good mum.”

Sheridan Smith: Becoming Mum is on ITV next Tuesday at 9pm.

A WOMAN with coronaviru­s symptoms who deliberate­ly coughed in the faces of two police officers has been jailed.

Lisa Scopes, 36, was abusive to officers who visited her home after reports of a violent row.

Officers said she had clearly been drinking as she repeatedly coughed at them and said she hoped to infect them.

Scopes was self-isolating at home in Wick, West Sussex, but it was not confirmed that she had Covid-19. Both PCS later tested negative.

At Lewes crown court, Scopes admitted threatenin­g behaviour and assault, and was jailed for six months.

Chief Inspector Jon Carter called her actions “despicable”.

 ??  ?? ACTING TALENT Sheridan is the star of a string of hits
CRUEL JIBE At the Bafta awards show
PROUD PARENT Star with Billy in the ITV show
HOME COMFORTS With partner Jamie & French bulldogs Ronnie and Reggie
ACTING TALENT Sheridan is the star of a string of hits CRUEL JIBE At the Bafta awards show PROUD PARENT Star with Billy in the ITV show HOME COMFORTS With partner Jamie & French bulldogs Ronnie and Reggie
 ??  ?? DESPICABLE Lisa Scopes

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