Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)



THE majority of teachers in Northern Ireland say they do not feel prepared to return to school.

An overwhelmi­ng number of those who took part in a survey from Ulster’s largest teaching union “feel anxious and stressed” about the prospect, while 77% are not sure if it is safe for pupils.

Years seven, 12 and 14 had their first day back at school since lockdown yesterday while schools and colleges across Northern Ireland are getting ready to reopen full time on August 31.

Several, however, remained closed yesterday due to positive Covid-19 tests.

Justin Mccamphill, NASUWT National Official for Northern Ireland, said: “The fact that 77% of teachers told us they don’t feel their school is safe for pupils to return is very concerning.

“Teachers and school leaders have worked hard to prepare their schools for young people to return, yet 61% of teachers have not been consulted on risk assessment­s undertaken in their school or college.

“Ministers and school employers must do more to reassure the school workforce, parents and pupils that everything possible is being done to minimise viral spread and that robust procedures are in place should any outbreaks occur.”

Teachers have raised a number of concerns with the union, including hot desk systems for staff, principals telling them they have to buy their own PPE, no natural ventilatio­n in “confined classes” and no advice on masks in “narrow corridors” as well as a lack of screens.

Some say they will be expected to remain in classrooms during break times, but that students will be unsupervis­ed during changeover between lessons.

One teacher reported that despite having “serious health issues” they “have been told I must continue to teach my SEN students in group form – not two-metre or even one-metre distances set out by PHA”.

Another added: “We cannot open the windows to have natural ventilatio­n.

“The fundamenta­l issues of hygiene have not been addressed i.e. enough hand sanitiser throughout the school.

“I am also extremely concerned about the practicali­ty of having to move classrooms six times a day.

“I would usually be teaching from the one classroom but in order to accommodat­e KS3 being taught in a ‘bubble’ this is not possible.

“This will place me at a greater risk than if I were teaching in one classroom.”

Others have raised planning issues, saying they are not sure what they can distribute to students, while another asked whether staff and students should be temperatur­e checked on entry each day.

One reply was: “I’m still unsure about what I am allowed to hand out to pupils or not which is making it difficult to plan.”

A pregnant teacher has asked for clarity, saying they “have had no guidance on what should happen once I am 28 weeks pregnant”.

A total of 1,253 teachers took part in the NASUWT survey between Thursday, August 20 and Sunday, August 23.

This is what it found:

58% do not feel prepared to return to

their school or college as it reopens to all pupils

■ 89% feel stressed and anxious about returning to their school

■ 77% stated they don’t feel, or they are not sure, if it is safe for pupils to return to their school

■ 46% of teachers have little or no confidence their school or college will be as safe as possible when they return, and

■ 61% of teachers said they have not been consulted on risk assessment­s undertaken in their school or college.

The survey also found there is a lack of clarity of around provision of PPE equipment as a third (31%) of teachers do not know if their school has adequate supplies and provision of hot water and soap and a further 19% say there is not enough.

The Department for Education has released guidance for schools in relation to masks and social distancing.

Education Minister Peter Weir also announced a £42million package for the first term that includes £17.5million towards the cost of substitute teachers and other school expenditur­e – £6.4million for PPE, £5million for school wellbeing initiative­s, £3.1million for home to school transport and £1.4million for special educationa­l needs.

Education chiefs admit social distancing will not be possible in all cases, but advise schools to take other measures such as “bubbles”, frequent hand washing and “catch it, bin it, kill it” advice.

On the other hand, teachers and adult school staff are expected to stay two metres apart.

Parents of children advised not to attend school for medical reasons have to notify the principal and Education Authority.

Schools are responsibl­e for ordering all their own necessary supplies – including PPE – via the Education Authority’s online procuremen­t system, a DE spokespers­on said.

Alliance MLA Chris Lyttle, chair of the Assembly’s Education Committee, said Mr Weir still needs to “provide clarity in many areas”.

He added: “They [teachers] must be given the resources and support they need by the minister to be able to restart schools safely.

“The minister must expedite the allocation of funding for a number of issues, including school cleaning, hygiene materials, additional teaching and nonteachin­g staff to minimise pupilstaff rations, school adaptation­s and to create the possibilit­y of remote learning when necessary.” Meanwhile, West Belfast MP Paul Maskey has raised concerns about the health and safety of Education Authority bus drivers after some did not carry out their duties yesterday. He said: “This has caused stress for special needs pupils and their parents at a time of already heightened anxiety as children return to schools. “I have contacted the Education Authority to request they take urgent steps to ensure the health and safety of drivers and pupils is protected. “Some of the simple but effective measures that can and should be put in place include perplex screens on buses.”

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