Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


Almost 1,000 more infections as north-west


NORTHERN Ireland has recorded almost 1,000 new Covid-19 cases in a 24-hour period – the highest since the pandemic began.

The 934 infections reported yesterday by the health department is more than double the previous highest daily total.

And the figure came on a day when Chief Medical Officer Dr Michael Mcbride warned people here to prepare for a potential second lockdown.

He said: “I do believe that we need to plan and prepare and look at options around a so-called circuit-breaker.”

The current figures are not directly comparable to the first wave of the pandemic, as much fewer tests were being carried out in that period.

However, yesterday’s total is by far the

highest recorded since the testing regime was expanded to take in community settings.

There was one further death reported, taking the toll recorded by the department to 582.

In the Derry City and Strabane District Council area, Northern Ireland’s current infection hotspot, the prevalence rate has soared to a seven-day average of 422.8 cases per 100,000 people – a 100 rise i on Thursday’s figure.

Health Minister Robin Swann told the BBC that Belfast’s Nightingal­e Hospital may have to reactivate­d within weeks.

He said: “It is something we thought we would possibly have to do over the winter. It now looks like October is going to be our Covid winter.”

Royal College of Nursing head Pat Cullen revealed nurses are “terrified” with some believing complacenc­y has set in with the public.

The figures were published as Stormont’s chief scientific adviser told the public they should prepare for the potential of multiple winter lockdowns.

P rof Ian Young said id i it i is not yet certain intensive periods of lockdown will be required but it would be “sensible” for people to plan on that basis.

The Stormont Executive announced a wide-ranging series of restrictio­ns for the Derr y and Strabane area on

Thursday in an effort to stem the spiralling infection numbers.

They include hospitalit­y businesses being limited to takeaway, delivery and outdoor dining and a call to avoid unnecessar­y travel.

Prof Young suggested the Executive would have little alternativ­e but to opt for a full lockdown in the area if rates are not brought under control in the coming weeks.

On the prospect of the whole of Northern Ireland having to be in lockdown for a two-week period - a so-called circuit break - he told BBC Radio Ulster there are several options open.

He said: “Probably one of the most effective is certainly this idea of a circuit-breaker or a relatively short-term lockdown.

“I don’t think a single period of lockdown or circuit-breaker would be suffi

cient to get us right through the winter. I think it would be sensible to plan for the possibilit­y of one or more periods of circuit break over the course of this winter.

“I don’t know, I can’t say, whether that’s something that will be required, but I think it would be sensible to plan for it.”

Asked if the mid-term school holiday at Halloween would be a suitable time to introduce a lockdown, Prof Young added: “In terms of the likely impact of a circuit-breaker it would be more effective if schools were off at the same time than if schools were functionin­g.”

But he did not think it would be appropriat­e to introduce such a measure over the Christmas holidays, adding: “I don’t think for a whole variety of reasons that that’s a reason

able thing to do.” Also yesterday, it was announced another patient has died with Covid-19 at Daisy Hill in Newry.

The tally of fatalities connected to the male medical ward at the Newry hospital is six. A total of 28 staff and 13 patients have tested positive.

Meanwhile, the infection rate in the Newry, Mourne and Down council area is up to 213.7 while Belfast has risen to 161.5.

The area with the next highest prevalence is Mid Ulster at 155.2.

Dr Mcbride told BBC Radio Ulster: “It is crucially important we keep on top of this virus and we deploy all of the tools in our toolbox.

“We have a very narrow window now to act, the consequenc­es would be profound if we don’t.”

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WANDER WALL Masked locals in Castle Street, Derry
SOUR TASTE Sean Mclaughlin in George’s Bar WANDER WALL Masked locals in Castle Street, Derry
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PART & PARCEL Delivery man Ian Gallagher in visor
CAST NO SHADOWS Crossing the Peace Bridge in Derry yesterday PART & PARCEL Delivery man Ian Gallagher in visor

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