Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Let’s do this together

- Edited byby SIOBHAN

It’s becoming a battle to find something thinghing meme me and The Dark Lord can watch together that doesn’t involve soggy bottoms or sexual innuendos dressed up in sequins.

I like a good primetime drama but have to fast forward through the fairly-tame sex scenes as my daughter gets very squeamish.

“That’s disgusting!” she splutters, hiding her head behind a cushion.

When I point out the irony of her watching Tiktok videos that teeter on the edge of pornograph­y, she just says, “I don’t like old people doing it on telly!”

So that leaves us with Bake Off, Strictly and our strange attraction to anything starring Gregg Wallace – the man we love to hate. We both kill ourselves laughing at his corny jokes and Benny Hill-style TV persona.

I tried to tempt her with a tale of vicious gang warfare and underage sex. Or as it’s better known, West Side Story. “Really?” she cringed, before suggesting, “How about we download Hamilton the Musical?”

Two hours later we were still only halfway through and I still had no idea what was going on. I think it’s just you reach a certain age and suddenly your ears can’t understand rap.

But having grown up on people singing about just getting back from the Windy City, what I loved most about Hamilton was its beautifull­y diverse cast. It was like someone opening the window in a library and letting fresh air blow through centuries of fusty old history books.

Although why anyone would want to write a musical about the story of America’s Founding Fathers is beyond me. They’ll be staging Brexit the Musical next.

Please keep your stories, memories and photos coming to siobhan.mcnally@mirror.co.uk or write to Community Corner, PO Box 791, Winchester SO23 3RP.

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