Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Don’t let Corbyn row ruin Labour


■ Few of us would believe that Jeremy Corbyn is anything other than a highly principled individual. Many of us were inspired by him. But many, too, doubted his political judgment and became increasing­ly concerned about his capacity to lead, marshal and manage all the interests in the Labour Party.

The EHRC report shone a very harsh light on his leadership and management of the anti-semitism crisis, while the timing and content of his reaction and lack of contrition showed poor judgment.

He and his supporters should r e f l e c t . L a b o u r, u n d e r h i s leadership, over-promised and under-delivered. Fervent idealism, deliberate factionali­sm and personalit­y politics lost Labour votes and ultimately handed Boris Johnson his 80-seat majority.

Perry Gardner

Wolsingham, Co Durham

■ The Labour left still hasn’t got the message. The report, it seems, points to failures by the previous Labour leadership that also cost us the election, condemning us to this incompeten­t Tory government. Now they ’re up in arms that Corbyn has been suspended. Political dinosaurs such as Len Mccluskey and some in Momentum are intent on destroying the party. They should back off and allow Ke i r S t a r mer to get Labour back to a position where we’ll have a great chance of ousting this rabble of a government.

R Tandy, Liverpool

■ Like my parents before me, I had always voted

Labour but at the last election my family and I felt we had no choice but to vote Conservati­ve.

Corbyn was not fit to run the Labour Party never mind the country. Can you imagine the even bigger mess we’d be in if he was in charge during the present crisis?

But when the next election comes around I’ ll vote Labour once again. Johnson has forgotten all about the North.

Stuart Ogden

Lytham St Anne’s, Lancs

■ I applaud Sir Keir Starmer for doing the right thing and suspending Jeremy Corbyn over his claim the scale of anti-semitism in th e L ab our Par ty had b een “dramatical­ly overstated”.

The question is why didn’t Mr Corbyn root out the anti-semites when he was in charge?

I suggest he should resign and take his cronies with him and relaunch the Socialist Labour Party once led by Arthur Scargill.

Steve Goulding, Sheffield

■ I rejoined Labour five years ago because Jeremy was inspiring – a fighter and a socialist. I can’t

believe how badly he’s just been treated by Sir Keir Starmer.

I voted for Starmer but now feel it was a mistake. His suspension of Corbyn is a gross overreacti­on. It seems some in Labour cannot see difference between anti-semitism and anti-zionism.

Jeremy and many others i n Labour support the downtrodde­n Palestinia­ns – that’s a good thing. Ian Davies, Wigan, Gtr Manchester

■ Keir Starmer has done the right thing. If Jeremy Corbyn had been as magnificen­t as many of his followers seem to think he was, he would be Prime Minister now.

But instead Labour was decimated at the polls and handed the most r i g h t - w i n g To r y government in living memory a whacking 80-seat majority.

Ian Caine, Waterloo, Liverpool

■ Why didn’t Jeremy just accept the findings of the EHRC report and then we could have moved on and drawn a line under this sorry affair? Did he not know where his response could lead?

Norman Denny

Crayford, Gtr London

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