Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


CAMPBELL RACISM ROW » MP hit out at black line-up on BBC series » DUP man refuses to apologise for remarks » Bitter backlash over ‘his ignorant BLM jibe’


GREGORY Campbell was facing a racism row backlash last night after refusing to apologise over his Songs of Praise “BLM” jibe.

The veteran DUP MP claimed he was the victim of a “contrived controvers­y” but was condemned for his remarks on the BBC show’s black line-up.

Justice Minister Naomi Long slated him for “shameful doubling down on the racism and ignorance in his original tweet rather than a full apology”. But Mr Campbell insisted he was a “committed anti-racist”.

GREGORY Campbell has refused to apologise after criticism of his comments about the number of black people on Songs Of Praise.

The DUP MP said he has always been a “committed anti-racist” and dismissed a row over his Facebook remarks as a “contrived controvers­y”.

Mr Campbell has come under fire for describing the number of black people participat­ing in one of the shows as “the BBC at its BLM (Black Lives Matter) worst”.

He was referring to the Gospel Singer Of The Year competitio­n, in which the five semi-finalists, judges and presenter of the show were all of a black ethnicity.

Mr Campbell wrote in an online post: “The singers were all very good but can you imagine an all white line up with an all white jury and presented by a white person? No I can’t either.”

The North West Migrants Forum condemned his remarks as “abhorrent and irresponsi­ble”, saying his “implicit comments enabled the explicit racism below his post”.

But Mr Campbell defended his remarks and denied the accusation of “race-baiting”.

The East Londonderr­y MP said the BBC’S website describes the Beeb’s commitment to reflecting the diversity of the UK but added: “There wasn’t much diversity or inclusion in that edition of Songs Of Praise.”

Mr Campbell told BBC Radio Ulster’s Evening Extra show his remarks were reasonable.

He added: “Why would I apologise for something that is correct and accurate? No, I don’t apologise. I’m an anti-racist – do I apologise for that? No.

“I stand with a black footballer who refuses to take the knee – would I apologise for that? No, I don’t. I don’t need a contrived controvers­y to turn me into an anti-racist, I have always been so.

“Of all the things I have been criticised and lambasted for down through the years, it has never been on the basis of racism because people who know me know I am not, and the post proves that I am not.”

Mr Campbell said he had been subjected to the “vilest of abuse” following media coverage of his comments. He added no one raised any issue with his comments for several days after he posted them following the programme on January 31.

The MP was asked for his response to those who would see him as a “white middle-class man complainin­g that he didn’t see himself reflected on one programme” on the BBC.

Mr Campbell – who earns £81,932 – said he is not middle class, adding: “I regard myself as completely working class.”

He asked people to look at what he had said and consider whether it was a reasonable thing to say about the show. Mr

Campbell added: “In my view most people will say, yes it was.”

When DUP leader Arlene Foster was asked in the Assembly about his comments she said: “It is not a sentiment that I identify with, as someone who actually does enjoy Songs Of Praise every Sunday and the diversity that is exhibited thereupon.

“We are totally, absolutely committed to racial equality.”

Alliance deputy leader Stephen Farry criticised Mr Campbell’s remarks and said he has written to the Parliament­ary Commission­er for Standards.

Sinn Fein’s John Finucane tweeted the MP’S refusal to apologise “is not good enough” and the DUP’S failure to take action “speaks volumes”.

Justice Minister Naomi Long described Mr Campbell’s remarks as “not only reprehensi­ble and racist” but “also quite bizarre”. She added: “Of course people have the right to freedom of speech but it doesn’t come free of responsibi­lity and indeed consequenc­es.”

Why would I apologise for something that is accurate & correct? No, I don’t apologise ON BBC RADIO ULSTER YESTERDAY

 ?? CONTROVERS­Y Gregory Campbell ??
CONTROVERS­Y Gregory Campbell
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CONTROVERS­Y DUP leader Arlene Foster and, inset, tweet by Gregory Cambell
GREGORY CAMPBELL CONTROVERS­Y DUP leader Arlene Foster and, inset, tweet by Gregory Cambell
 ??  ?? UNDER FIRE DUP MP Gregory Campbell
UNDER FIRE DUP MP Gregory Campbell

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