Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)



Here are 20 false messages or outright lies Russia has spread along the border with Ukraine to garner support from pro-russian locals. Many, in fact, could be levelled at Moscow, but many are believed.

Ukraine is preparing to launch ethnic cleansing in Donbas, which will force Russia to intervene.

Ukraine is the only party behind the current military escalation.

Ukraine is filling a role assigned by NATO: by provoking Russia.

There is no “Russian threat”. NATO sees/promotes non-existent threats.

Ukrainian leader Zelenskyy’s popularity is dropping and he needs a war.

America ordered Zelenskyy to attack in Donbas and Crimea.

War in Ukraine is needed by the US to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

The Us/west are promoting the war to counter Russian economic superiorit­y.

Nazi emblems and fascist troops have been spotted in the front lines in Donbas.

If Ukraine attacks in Donbas because Zelenskyy thinks he is backed by the West, he will be betrayed by his allies as Georgia’s Saakashvil­i was in 2008.

Ukraine closed opposition media because it doesn’t want any criticism.

The West doesn’t want Ukraine to be in the EU or NATO, because it would lose its value to destabiliz­e Russia and justify sending warships to the Black Sea.

It is not the first time that the West supports armed conflicts without attention to the consequenc­es.

Russia wants peaceful resolution while the US/EU push aggression.

Ukraine is not respecting the Minsk peace agreements.

Russia doesn’t want a territory the Ukrainians have turned into ashes.

Russia has never been involved in the Donbas conflict.

The Euromaidan was a Nazi coup backed by the West.

The Ukrainian army is mostly made up of Nazis.

Ukraine is not a nation or sovereign state but a Western puppet colony.

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