Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)



VOTERS are furious that Boris Johnson and his staff enjoyed parties in defiance of lockdown rules.

Teesside was one of the areas hardest hit during lockdown last year with a low uptake of the vaccine.

At the time of the first party on November 27, 2020, Middlesbro­ugh was in a four-week national lockdown with Tier 3 rules. By December

18, when 40 or 50

No 10 staff had a boozy party, the town was again in

Tier 3, like London.

Sainsbury’s worker

Maureen Lloyd, 67, above, from the town said: “It’s disgusting. It’s one rule for them and another for us. I live alone, which was difficult.

“I couldn’t see my boyfriend because he lives in another area of the country and he had a triple heart bypass and then a stroke.

“All I wanted to do was to help him but I wasn’t able to. I also have grandchild­ren and greatgrand­children aged between three months and 11. I couldn’t see them either.”

Nightclub owner Kane Aoiten, 32, left, from Middlesbro­ugh, said: “It’s like rubbing salt into wounds but I’m not surprised. It takes the mick, I struggled being a nightclub owner and we lost two years worth of income, it was impossible to open.”

Middlesbro­ugh carer Zoe Tootell, 38, below, said: “We cancelled all our Christmas plans last year because of the lockdown. My sister lives in London so we were going to bring the children down and all spend time together, which we couldn’t do.

“She has a new baby and we only saw her once during the year. It’s one rule for them and another for everyone else.”

Teesside University student Catherine Hornsby, 21, said: “Those who were rich and privileged had it easier in lockdown anyway. The people suffering were those who were poor or disabled.”

Scientist Michael Glacken, 27, from Glasgow, said: “Boris thinks he untouchabl­e. He acts like an idiot and gets away with it.”

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