Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

We back nurses in their pay fight

- Edited by FIONA PARKER

■ THIS Tory Government has to be stopped. How many vulnerable people will die of cold and hunger this winter as food and fuel prices surge? Christmas is only six weeks away and it should be a season of good cheer but for many it’s going to be one of fear.

The RCN looks likely to stage the first strike in its history because our nurses, who saw us through the worst of the pandemic, haven’t had the wage rise they deserve.

They are leaving in droves because morale is at rock bottom.

Where does this leave people like me with a serious health condition who depend on the NHS?

All our essential workers deserve a proper pay rise to see them through this cost-of-living crisis.

Alwyn Howell, Nelson, Caerphilly

■ The vast majority of people sympathise with our grossly underpaid nurses and would support their strike action for a livable wage. You simply can’t have the situation where nurses have to visit foodbanks to survive.

The real culprit for this mess is, of course, the nasty party, who have been in power for 12 years.

During this time their superrich cronies, who donate to their coffers, have grown richer by the week, while the stalwarts of society have seen their living standards plummet.

Bill Cook

Teignmouth, Devon

■ It should not have come to this. Nurses and NHS staff worked through the pandemic, many losing loved ones and patients. They don’t ask for much – just

the tools to do their jobs and to know they will be looked after.

Once again, the Tories show how little they care about those who care for us. Shame on them. I will be off to a nurses’ picket line to make a donation to help them when they walk out.

I back our nurses for a pay rise. They need it – like we all do.

John W Guncill, Portsmouth

■ If the Government leaves our nurses to strike for the decent living wage they deserve, the Tories will be out of step with the nation.

Thousands upon thousands of us owe our lives to these angels.

Many nurses risked their own lives to save ours when the Covid pandemic was at its peak.

It’s not just the Government that owes a debt of gratitude, it’s the whole nation – and we should back them to the hilt.

Roger Grant,

Thurnscoe, South Yorks

■ It’s frightenin­g the NHS is facing its worst winter on record. I recently spent 11 nights in hospital,

six of those in ICU. The staff were marvellous and could not do enough for patients, but there simply wasn’t enough of them. They were pushed to the limit.

They are worrying that they can’t go through another winter crisis.

Rishi Sunak should pay them what they deserve. If politician­s can have a decent wage increase why can’t NHS staff ?

Dave Mellor, Warrington, Cheshire

■ If a nursing union as conservati­ve as the RCN can call strikes for the first time in its history, other NHS unions such as Unison and Unite will be almost certain to follow suit. Let’s show support for the nurses and wish them every success in their fight.

Phil Brand, South West London

■ I support our nurses in their fight for better wages. However, the whole NHS workforce has been underpaid for more than a decade. They should all be entitled to a decent pay rise, not just the nurses.

Steven Plain

Chichester, West Sussex

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