Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


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Aries March 21–April 20

Anything that challenges you or that smacks of adventure is perfect for you. If a partner or close friend wants to tag along for the ride, this will make it the experience even better. If you’ve just started dating, this relationsh­ip will have masses of romantic potential.

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A partner or close friend is going through a hard period and you’re having to spend more time helping them deal with their concerns. This can be a good thing as it means you are able to push problems that have been worrying you to the back of your mind for the time being.

For more call 0905 789 4172

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April 21 – May 21 Gemini May 22 –June 21

You suddenly see the importance of thinking ahead. You need to know where you are heading and you will want to consider the best paths to take to make your long-term dreams come true. Because you have a good idea of the bigger picture, you will be putting in extra effort.

For more call 0905 789 4173

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Cancer June 22 –July 23

The secret to successful relationsh­ips is empathy. You’re switched on to the needs of those around you. People you are spending your day with will have quite an influence on your time as you find yourself automatica­lly putting their wishes in front of your own.

For more call 0905 789 4174

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Leo July 24 – August 23

You and a partner can overcome obstacles that have been keeping you apart. Don’t think it is all over. Thanks to the help of a wise friend or concerned relative, you will find a way to mend your union. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of your relationsh­ips.

For more call 0905 789 4175

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Virgo Aug 24 – Sept 23

If you are in a position of leadership and you don’t want to upset someone, you may have to make a determined effort to tone down your criticisms. Offer advice and guidance. Suggest they take a training course if they’re struggling but make your comments positive and constructi­ve.

For more call 0905 789 4176

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Libra Sept 24–Oct 23

Keep others in the family up to date with your intentions. That way, if you need someone’s signature or approval, you won’t have to resort to spelling everything out to them. Your mood may impel you to take a calculated risk and you may well come up trumps.

For more call 0905 789 4177

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Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

You need to pause and consider a situation that isn’t going as well as you expected it to. After giving this some thought you will get to the root of the problem and you will know what you have to do to get back on the right track. You can then put your strategy into action.

For more call 0905 789 4178

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Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

Recent hold-ups that had you spitting feathers now show signs of going away. Either you will decide to move on to other, less bothersome plans or someone who is skilled and knowledgea­ble in these areas will take an interest and they will know how to get things moving.

For more call 0905 789 4179

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Dec 22 –Jan 20

Keep an open mind and be flexible when someone brings up a topic you hadn’t really wanted to discuss today. A partner wants action. They need to know they have your support before starting on an important long-term project. Sitting around doing nothing will only damage your relationsh­ip.

For more call 0905 789 4180

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Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

Energy levels are high and you’re remarkably reluctant to let go of the relaxed mood that has recently had you in its grip. Those around you aren’t likely to object and neither will they make many demands on your time. A partner also seems ready for a change of pace.

For more call 0905 789 4181

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Feb 20 – Mar 20

Choose who you mix with carefully. A friend who is feeling miserable will make you feel upset too. You soak in people’s moods and feelings like a sponge soaks up water. If someone who is known to play on their ailments suggests meeting up for lunch, find an excuse and say no thanks.

For more call 0905 789 4182

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