Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

26175 pints? That’s a LOT of armfuls

Blood donor hits massive target but is not done yet

- BY DAN WARBURTON dan.warburton@mirror.co.uk @Dailymirro­rdan

A RETIRED farmer has given his 175th pint of blood, but is not stopping at that amazing milestone.

Leslie Rowley, 83, who has been donating for 60 years, is now planning to hit the 200 mark.

The great-grandad is already one of the nation’s most prolific donors.

He was cheered at the donation clinic when he got to 175 pints. Volunteers presented him with a crystal decanter and an engraved glass dish.

Leslie said: “It did make me a bit shy. I had tears rolling down my face.”

He began donating in 1964 after witnessing an accident at work.

Leslie said: “I saw a bucket go straight through a man’s leg. It inspired me to give blood.

“I found out I had O negative which is rare but very useful.”

Only about 7% of the population have O negative, but it can be given to people with any blood type.


Leslie’s blood is often used in baby units, which is poignant for him.

He said: “When I was born in 1941 I had to have blood transfusio­ns because I was born blue.”

He said little has changed about the process since the first time he donated, which clearly went smoother than it did for Tony Hancock in the classic TV comedy series episode from 1961.

When Hancock is told he has only had a smear and needs to donate a whole pint, he protests: “I don’t mind giving a reasonable amount, but a pint? That’s very nearly an armful.”

Leslie, from Ketton, Rutland, said: “If you looked at my arm you’d think I was a drug addict but I don’t mind.

“I donate four times a year. I’ve set myself the challenge of donating 200 pints by the time I’m 90.

“I want to encourage young people to give blood. The health service is crying out for more blood.”

 ?? ?? GIVING & GETTING Leslie with decanter & dish gifts
LIFELINE Someone giving blood
COMEDY Hancock on bed in the 1961 episode
GIVING & GETTING Leslie with decanter & dish gifts LIFELINE Someone giving blood COMEDY Hancock on bed in the 1961 episode

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