Daily Mirror


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A wolf in your home

The domestic dog shares 99.96% of its DNA with the grey wolf.

This doesn’t mean that modern dogs are directly descended from the wolves around today.

It’s more that the two species have a common ancestor.

Why your dog is cute

It is partly down to a phenomenon known as domesticat­ion syndrome – a term to describe the retention of juvenile traits into adulthood.

Most domestic animals keep some of their baby features as they grow, but the syndrome is particular­ly apparent in dogs, especially in certain breeds.

Juvenile features include a large head and eyes, and floppy ears. They seem to be particular­ly appealing to humans, probably because we have a strong instinct to nurture youngsters ( babies, like puppies, have big heads and eyes).

Dogs are the Peter Pans of the canine world – the wolves that wouldn’t grow up.

Not in the family

Although hyenas look dog-like and hang around in groups like dogs, they are more closely related to

WANT to know everything about man’s best friend?

Well, you can find out why your dog is so cute to what’s Dutch for woof woof (it’s blaf ute of blaf) in the new book Dogopedia: a Compendium of Canine Curiositie­s, from the people at Battersea Dogs Home. DogopediaD­ogopedi is published by H Headline and pricedpric £12.99. the Queen’s many dogs have been buried in this royal pet cemetery.

Fat detective

The superior sniffing power of the bloodhound has been put to use in a novel scheme by one water company in the south of England.

Hector locates big blobs of fat. A lot of blockages in water pipes and sewers are caused by congealed fats, A ruff guide

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