Daily Mirror

Botox to ease teeth grinding? No thanks


Along with six million other people in the UK, my husband suffers from bruxism, grinding of the teeth. It’s worst at night when asleep and quite noisy if you’re their partner.

We make jokes about teeth grinders but bruxism can have unpleasant side effects (headaches, facial pain) and most dentists would suggest you insert a mouthguard to stop you wearing away your teeth and inflaming the temporoman­dibular joint (TMJ) just in front of your ear.

At his last dental appointmen­t, my husband was offered a Botox injection – yes Botox! – to relax the jaw muscles that do the grinding. “Should I go ahead?” he asked me. Thereby hangs a tale.

Injecting botulinum toxin (Botox to you and me) into the jaw muscles means you’re unable to bite down with the same force, and the jabs are as effective as a mouthguard in reducing grinding and TMJ pain.

However, it seems that the treatment may trigger dramatic loss of bone in the jaw, up to 40% after a single treatment. What’s more, nobody knows when, or if, the weakened bone will fully regain its strength.

One person leading research in the field is Professor Karen Raphael of New York University College of Dentistry. She became concerned after reading animal studies which showed dramatic losses in bone after Botox injections. In human beings, the bone loss could be “a risk factor for fractures”.

Normally, changes caused by Botox are assumed to be temporary, but as early as 2004, doctors noticed changes to the jaw were long-lasting. Yet TMJ pain patients are encouraged to repeat this treatment every 12 weeks.

“The typical cycle of treatment every three months is probably insufficie­nt for full bone mass recovery,” says Dr Raphael.

She conducted a small study of seven women who’d had at least two Botox treatments for TMJ pain in the past year. They were studied with nine patients with the condition who’d never had the treatment.

All the Botox patients had reduced bone density in their jaw while none of the others did. So Dr Raphael has since started a larger trial. So, how is Botox linked to bone loss?

Bones are in a constant state of breakdown and renewal. New bone is formed in response to pulling by muscles and by impacts such as chewing and biting. But when our jaw muscles are weakened by Botox they can’t push and pull the jaw powerfully. Your jawbone and TMJ literally melt away. So in answer to my husband’s question, I told him NO.

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