Daily Mirror

Noah’s started chemo... he is a little warrior

Docs give Buble son 90% chance of life

- BY CHRISTOPHE­R BUCKTIN US Editor chris.bucktin@mirror.co.uk

MICHAEL Buble’s son Noah has started chemothera­py for what is believed to be liver cancer, it has been reported.

And doctors say the three-year-old has a 90% chance of surviving the disease after his four-month course of treatment.

Noah, who was in mum Luisana’s home city of Buenos Aries, Argentina, when he started feeling unwell, is being cared for in Los Angeles.

Her sister Daniela told the country’s respected Gente magazine: “Cancer is a horrible illness but we have faith in Noah being able to overcome this.

“We know he will. The time to start a long and very difficult treatment has come but it’s got to be done.

“They say children are normally strong to put up with chemothera­py and my nephew is a warrior.

“He has the innocence of children and that is good.

“He doesn’t understand too much what is happening. The love people are showing is helping us to see things with optimism and we have a lot of faith.”

Noah was taken to see a doctor suffering from a high fever and suspected mumps. That was ruled out but tests for other diseases discovered a liver problem.

Gente added: “The doctors told Luisana, ‘He has a stain on his liver, but it’s not got different tones and it’s probably benign, but we have to continue with the tests.”

Canadian singer Buble, 41, who was working in London, is said to have asked his 29-year-old wife to seek a second opinion in LA. Luisana flew to the States on October 29 with their nine-month-old son Elias and parents Eduardo and Betty.

Nutritioni­st and part-time actress Daniela told the magazine: “It was there they discovered something wasn’t right.

“We have very good specialist­s [in Argentina], but for personal and family reasons, Michael and my sister decided to fly to the States.” It was also reported little Noah may need to have surgery after his chemo.

Buble and his wife of five years confirmed their son had the disease on the star’s Facebook page last week.

The love people are showing is helping us see with optimism

They said: “We are devastated about the recent cancer diagnosis of our oldest son Noah.

“We have always been very vocal about the importance of family and the love we have for our children. Luisana and I have put our careers on hold in order to devote all our time and attention to helping Noah get well. DANIELA AUNT ON HER NEPHEW NOAH’S BATTLE

We have a long journey in front of us and hope that with the support of family, friends and fans around the world, we will win this battle, God willing.”

 ??  ?? THAT’S MY BOY Noah with his singer dad Buble SHOCK Mirror’s story ON SONG Star on stage in Cologne
THAT’S MY BOY Noah with his singer dad Buble SHOCK Mirror’s story ON SONG Star on stage in Cologne
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