Daily Mirror

Every kid needs a bit of sparkle in their life


He loves trains, cars and dolls, and his ballet

RUSSELL Brand is now somebody’s father. And right on cue, he has magically become sensible because he’s revealed that his child will be raised gender neutral.

When I heard that, I assumed he was just being a celebrity – i.e. announcing as a big deal something everyone else does without fuss. Because everyone does that nowadays, right?

But then Greg Rutherford was widely attacked for dressing his toddler son in what was described as “girl clothes” when he appeared on Strictly Come Dancing. The outfit in question was a red sweatshirt with triangles on it, and black and white trousers.

And afterwards Greg’s bemused wife said, “I can gladly confirm I dress my son in ‘girl clothes’”.

Too right. I dress my son in girl clothes as well, literally.

The older he gets, the more the only sartorial options for him involve dinosaurs, cars and miserable colours like brown.

If the girls’ section of a shop is better – which it usually is - that’s where I buy from. I have to cut the odd bow off a waistband with nail scissors, but even my needlework skills extend to that.

A pair of jogging bottoms I ordered online recently arrived with a tiny bit of sparkle on the pocket, and, on autopilot, I nearly sent them back… but why can’t boys have a tiny bit of sparkle on their pocket? That’s a really fun thing to have, when you’re two.

I wouldn’t put him in a dress – unless he asked – but that’s pretty much it.

Wearing colours, patterns and prints some clothes designer somewhere deemed to be feminine has had no effect on him at all… apart from sometimes making him happier, like he was when he saw that his trousers had cat faces on the knees. Who cares what the label in the back of his T-shirt says? Not him, that’s for sure.

He had a pink dummy when he was a baby because it was the nearest and I was knackered, and he has a pink cup now, for similar reasons. And because it doesn’t matter. They both work just as well as they would have done if they were blue (with dinosaurs and cars on them.)

None of it makes any difference, of course. Albie loves trains, and his ballet lessons. He has cars and dolls, and a purple kettle with little cups and saucers that he hosts a mean afternoon tea with (strictly by invitation only). He enjoys kicking a ball, and styling his toy lion’s mane with a tiny hairbrush.

Who he’ll grow up to be will be determined by many things, and none of them are the colour of his jumper. It’s irrelevant.

But then so much stuff which used to be seen as “girly” is now just the norm for everyone. That prehistori­c way of thinking which decreed men can’t have feelings, cry, show vulnerabil­ity, express pain – basically be human – is firmly behind us, thank goodness.

Hopefully, surely, this progress will continue until a time when Rutherford-gate won’t be a gate at all. It has to. We need to make this happen, together.

Maybe I won’t cut the bows off any more.

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NEUTRAL Albie and Russell

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