Daily Mirror

Sup with Corrie’s devil? I’ve got a Phelan I’d quite like it


As someone who regularly talks to his telly, I had a definite “me too, mate” moment during last night’s episode of Coronation Street.

It came when Roy Cropper’s new best mate Brian delivered his verdict on Weatherfie­ld’s resident cuddly Scouse builder, Pat Phelan: “I rather like him.”

Of course, Brian has been away for a while so he has absolutely no idea what Phelan is really like.

I, on the other, know exactly what he’s like. And I still like him. A lot. He’s one of the best things to happen to Corrie in years. Which is why I’m really hoping rumours that he’s about to meet a grisly end are way off the mark.

Sure, he’ll have to pay one day. It’s Soap Law. But not yet.

Not until he has firmly cemented his place alongside the likes of Alan Bradley, Jez “Come on down” Quigley and Richard Hillman on the list of Corrie’s greatest villains.

Much of the credit for Pat’s success as a character must go to the guy who plays him, Connor McIntyre. I get the feeling that as an actor Connor would be equally at home playing either Santa or Satan.

Like Negan in The Walking Dead, Pat exudes that utterly seductive mix of menace and charm. They’re the sort of blokes you’d happily go for a pint with.

Although, after what happened on The Walking Dead the other night, if Negan suggested a game of pool you might want to make your excuses and leave.

PS: Speaking of violence on TV, I’m afraid the sight of Richard Arnold slapping Piers Morgan live on Good Morning Britain yesterday shocked me to the core.

Piers has been on there over a year now, Dickie. What took you so long?

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 ??  ?? VILLAIN Phelan may face a grisly end on the cobbles
VILLAIN Phelan may face a grisly end on the cobbles

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