Daily Mirror

Our expert organises your countdown to the big day

50 ways to take the crisis out of Christmas

- BY LAURA CONNOR laura.connor@mirror.co.uk

THERE are fewer than 200 hours to go until Christmas Day, but chances are you’ve still got a lot to do.

From ordering gifts online and posting cards, to defrosting the turkey and maturing a Christmas cake, our guide will ensure you don’t have a nightmare before Christmas.

To make sure you don’t miss anything important, profession­al organiser Vicky Silverthor­n has given her top tips for a stress-free and successful festive season.

“There are only eight days before Christmas, but don’t panic,” Vicky says. “There is still plenty of time to get everything done.

“Remember, enjoy and be merry. It’s only for one day, so let your hair down. And, thank goodness, it only comes once a year.”

One week before

1 If you were planning to send gifts to loved ones abroad, unfortunat­ely you’ve missed the boat (except western Europe – the last posting date is today). Pop gifts in the post today with an apology note. 2 It’s never too late to send e-gifts. Websites such as buyagift.com offer brewery tours and spa experience­s, which can be in a pal’s inbox at the click of a button. 3 Still haven’t done the tree? Putting up a real one now means it will stay fresher for longer and retain its needles. 4 Potted trees can also be used again the following year, which is better for the environmen­t. “Pots also look great in the home,” says Vicky. 5 The traditiona­l day to start maturing your Christmas cake was the last Sunday before Advent, but you could try a speedier festive pudding such as a simple store cupboard cake. 6 This weekend is the time to start using up anything in your cupboard. If there’s anything you won’t use, send it to foodbanks. 7 Online Christmas shopping for some of the big supermarke­ts, including Waitrose and Morrisons, ended last week. But you can still make standard orders from Marks & Spencer, House of Fraser and Tesco Direct until tomorrow. 8 Tomorrow is one week before Christmas, the ideal day to start clearing out your fridge to make way for all your festive dishes. 9 While organising the fridge, it’s a good time to stock up on all the store cupboard essentials such as canned goods and alcohol. 10 Sunday afternoon is also a good time to bake mince pies. Mincemeat made well in advance of Christmas makes them taste better, but all good supermarke­ts stock some decent pre-prepared ones. Just don’t tell the guests.


11 For anything from Argos and Thorntons, Monday is the last time to order for next-day delivery. 12 Start a cooking plan and shopping list today. 13 It’s also a good time to draw up a programme of activities and games for the family. 14 Start wrapping the presents. It will save you time on Christmas Eve, and means little ones are less likely to see what Santa’s bringing. 15 Tuesday is the last day to buy online from Dorothy Perkins, Harvey Nichols, Amazon, John Lewis, Debenhams and Harrods.


16 Wednesday is the last recommende­d day for first-class UK post. 17 If you’re still really stuck for gifts, mid-week is a good time for a lunch or night out with friends to give the gift of company or maybe a Secret Santa. 18 Think about Christmas visitors and if you need to replace old sheets or buy more towels. 19 Check the TV guide to make sure you don’t miss Christmas favourites – or fight with family over the remote. 20 Wednesday is the last day for buying online from HMV, New Look and The Body Shop. 21 De-clutter the spare room for guests – chip away area by area. 22 Check the batteries for cameras and camcorders. 23 Make room for any new tech by getting rid of old stuff you don’t need. Age UK take old technology and mobiles via a partner scheme. 24 If you still have no idea what to buy your mother-in-law, food hampers or the offer to cook Christmas dinner work a treat. 25 Make sure all linen and towels are freshly laundered for guests. 26 Thursday is the last day to order online from Asda, H Samuel and Next.


27 Stuffing, mince pies, par-boiled potatoes and chocolate roulade can all be pre-prepared and frozen until Christmas Eve. 28 Make lists and keep them in one go-to place. You’ll be very pleased you did on the day. 29 Plan to cook foods you are comfortabl­e with. It’s not the time to learn culinary showstoppe­rs. 30 If you are going out or away at Christmas, be conscious about your home security. Let your neighbours know, check the locks and leave some lights on timers. 31 Friday is the last day to order online from Sainsbury’s and Very. 32 Don’t underestim­ate how long wrapping presents takes; try to get the bulk finished. 33 With some essentials in the freezer already, Friday is a good time to prepare main courses and make anything that can sit for a couple of days. 34 If you’re driving over Christmas, start checking the weather and journey times. 35 Lay the table. 36 Choose your outfit for the big day to remove one more decision. 37 Spend Friday or the afternoon of Christmas Eve seeing friends and family who you won’t get to see on the big day – then you won’t have any lingering guilt. 38 Do a final deep house clean.

Christmas Eve

39 Double check those batteries are working and make sure you have a few spares – you don’t want the kids to be disappoint­ed when they can’t play with their new toys. 40 Check your lists and nip to the supermarke­t for any lastminute essentials. 41 While you’re there, buy some fresh flowers for the table. 42 Prep the turkey and start defrosting if it’s in the freezer. 43 Finish off last-minute wrapping and pop presents under the tree. 44 Fill the stockings. 45 Make sure you’re fully stocked up on booze – and work out if any local shops will be open on Christmas Day, just in case. 46 If you are driving, make sure the tank is full as it may be difficult to find a petrol station open on Christmas Day. 47 Put the mince pies, port and carrots out to fuel Santa and his reindeer, but make sure the kids are in bed first. And don’t forget to take a bite and a sip. 48 Check you’ve got enough seats, crockery and cutlery for your guests. Your mother-in-law won’t be happy if she has to eat with a plastic knife and fork. 49 Double-check your guest list and estimated times of arrival. Christmas Day

50 Relax with a mulled wine!

 ??  ?? Oh no! The turkey’s still frozen I haven’t got a present for Auntie Sue
Oh no! The turkey’s still frozen I haven’t got a present for Auntie Sue

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