Daily Mirror

Eyes on the ball



AFTER three months of training, fake tans, sequins and tears, the three remaining couples take to the Strictly Come Dancing ballroom floor tonight – and they are all desperate to lift the Glitterbal­l trophy.

As they prepare to perform their best dances of the series in the final and put on a spectacula­r showdance, we hear how fulfilling (and terrifying) the experience has been for Danny Mac, 28, and partner Oti Mabuse, 26; Louise Redknapp, 42, and Kevin Clifton, 34; and Ore Oduba, 30, and Joanne Clifton, 33. How does it feel to make the final? ORE:

Being in the final just was not even an option. I’ve watched Strictly for the 12 years its been on and it’s been the thing I’ve dreamed about doing. So when I arrived it was the realisatio­n of the dream. LOUISE:

I never thought I’d have the guts to go on the show. You just want to enjoy it, it’s a mad emotion but amazing. DANNY:

The final’s what you dream of at the start of the competitio­n but you only ever take it one week at a time. It really is the best thing I’ve ever done. What’s the best thing about your partners? OTI:

When I met him, he was sitting on his phone not talking to anyone, because he didn’t think he was good enough to be there. Getting to know him and getting his personalit­y out there, getting him to open up, has been the best thing. JO:

The best thing about Ore is he works really hard. He doesn’t want breaks, he doesn’t want coffee, he doesn’t even want lunch sometimes, he wants to carry on. KEVIN:

Everyone assumes you want someone who’s an amazing dancer that you can maybe, hopefully, win with. But really, you want someone who’s going to be nice to get on with, a good laugh. Louise comes in with a big smile on her face every day, which just makes your series. And the worst? JO:

Outside of the training room, I call him The Sloth because he’s the slowest person to get anywhere. And he has this lip balm that he puts on all the time and it smells of milk. OTI:

We love lunch but the only problem is when lunch comes out of the body, he ends up burping. It’s like ‘Danny, really?’.

You end up tasting a bit of the burp. I think it’s absolutely cute because you look at him and think, ‘Danny Mac would never do something like that’. KEVIN:

Right at the beginning, Louise said, ‘I’ll give you my best but I’m probably not going to be confident enough to do jazz hands and thigh-slapping stuff ’. I said, ‘Unfortunat­ely, Louise, you’re partnered with ME!’. Fast forward to musicals week and she’s doing it all. How low on confidence were you before Strictly? LOUISE:

I wasn’t so low on confidence I couldn’t go out of the house! But when you’ve been in the public eye and been on the stage as a singer in a pop band, it becomes very natural to you to perform.

You then go away and have a family and for 10 years you don’t go on stage.

When you do a show like Strictly you know everyone’s going to have an opinion on you and it had been a long time since anyone had a major opinion on me that I’d have to read about. That was what I was kind of nervous about. The first day, I did feel overwhelme­d by everything. Have you had support from your husband? (former footballer Jamie Redknapp) LOUISE: When I first started doing this show I thought it would so not be up Jamie’s

street – but I can’t get rid of him. He comes every Saturday. He said, ‘I think this is going to be great for you and I think it’s about time you got back out here and showed everyone who you are and what you are’.

I wasn’t expecting for him to be there every Saturday in that front row – and that has made this even more special for me. Because it’s something really nice to see someone you love extremely proud of you and it takes me back to 20 years ago, when we first met and I was on stage. Do you feel more confident now? ORE:

You learn to manage the nerves a bit better. I still feel I’m completely out of my comfort zone. The more you think about performing a dance you only learned for four days before, in front of up to 12 million people, the more sweaty you get. LOUISE:

I did this for real personal reasons, I wanted to get out and do something for me. Anyone who’s got kids knows your life becomes very wrapped up in them and you end up doing nothing that you

Danny Mac The final is what you dream about at the start of the competitio­n. It really is the best thing I have ever done

love doing. So Strictly for me was always about getting back out there and rememberin­g I love performing. DANNY:

The adrenaline that goes through your body and the fear of what might happen is indescriba­ble. Oti and I don’t watch the VT, we go into our own little zone and have those two minutes to chill – in front of hundreds of people. Has your dance experience been a disadvanta­ge? DANNY:

If that’s the case, then that would be a shame. I did three years of dance training at drama school. Never before and never since. The thing that bothers me most about it is that I know what I came into this competitio­n with.

And giving credit to that for anything I’ve achieved would be taking everything away from Oti, and that wouldn’t be fair because it’s 100% down to her. I was

Ore Oduba You can never take away the moment you get your first 10. That’s going to be banked in the memory a long time

never going to be a dancer – that was never going to happen. I’ve never been employed as one. If people want to believe that because they don’t want to vote for me, then so be it. The final features two Cliftons. Who will your parents support? JO:

One’s on my ticket and one’s on his ticket. They vote more for me because I’m the favourite child. KEVIN:

(Laughing) They told me they were going to vote for Danny and Oti so they don’t have to choose. What’s your funniest backstage memory? ORE:

Probably in movies week when myself, Lou, Danny and Claudia were dressed as the Von Trapp family in lederhosen, pop socks and looking ridiculous. We thought, ‘Look at the state of us’.

What was your best moment? DANNY:

The samba and getting that score [40]. It was the first time everything went as well as it could. That was the first time we went out and Oti said, ‘There’s no story here, you’re not a character – it’s just you and me out there having a party’. Because the thing I was most terrified about was being myself. LOUISE:

The moment I enjoyed the most was with my feathers in Big Spender. Getting to stand up there shimmying was good fun. I’m never going to get to do that again. ORE:

You can never take away the moment you get your first 10. When we danced Singing in the Rain, that’s going to be banked in the memory a long time. And the worst? ORE: Being in the dance-off the first time. We’d done a salsa that we loved

Louise Redknapp I did this for real personal reasons. Strictly was about getting back out there and rememberin­g I love performing

but found ourselves in the bottom two. The whole of your Strictly experience flashes before your eyes and it’s crushing. LOUISE:

When I cried in rehearsals for the rhumba, and I’m not that person. I don’t cry when I can’t do something, I just get on with it. I thought, ‘Wow, this is really affecting me’. DANNY:

The foxtrot, not because it went wrong but because of the disappoint­ment in Oti’s face that she felt she hadn’t done enough. When someone’s given you that much effort – to see that in their face is awful. I made a mistake. It broke my heart that she felt she hadn’t done enough for me. What can we expect from the showdances? JO:

He suited the characteri­sation of Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire, that kind of thing, so I did it to I’ve Got Rhythm. All I’ll say is we have massive props. KEVIN:

I think the showdance is the most difficult one to choreograp­h because it’s too much of a blank sheet. Any song in existence, any props, any style.

It’s going to be based on Louise, her story on Strictly, so how she’s developed from the beginning to the end. OTI:

Ours is about Danny. With the first dance, you have three weeks to prepare and people didn’t see that he came in going, ‘I can’t do this’. It’s really me just saying, ‘Danny, this is about how you accepted who you are and began to see the worth in you’. Has anyone considered having Ed Balls in for a cameo during a routine in the final? KEVIN: We’re not allowed extras in the showdance!

 ??  ?? OTI Partnering Danny Mac
OTI Partnering Danny Mac
 ??  ?? JO Partnering Ore Oduba
JO Partnering Ore Oduba
 ??  ?? KEVIN Partnering Louise Redknapp
KEVIN Partnering Louise Redknapp
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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