Daily Mirror

Let’s hit Boxing Day shops where it hurts


A PHRASE that’s always baffled me, because it is used in an aspiration­al sense, is “shop ’til you drop”.

How could wanting to drop in a shop ever be something to pine for, unless the experience has left you so emotionall­y crushed you’d prefer having a heart attack to your partner saying: “No, I think I liked the red one better. Let’s go back to Next.”

The time I literally felt like dropping in a shop was when I worked in one at Christmas. A job so mentally and physically arduous it makes SAS training look like lollipop man school. As if it wasn’t bad enough having to look jolly for eight hours as you were permanentl­y hassled by people who believe it’s your job to know what kind of jumper Uncle Arthur would like, I was forced to listen to a dozen Xmas No 1s on a continuous loop, making me wish, more than anything else, that it couldn’t be Christmas every day. It’s far worse now due to much longer opening hours. This Christmas Eve, many shop workers will be forced to stay late to get the stock ready for Boxing Day. And on Christmas Day, instead of fully relaxing with their family, the reality will hover over them that they’re back in work tomorrow to face the bargain-hunting hordes. And for no incentive, as statutory double-time pay was thrown out years ago when retail became a 24/7 operation. Which is why I was annoyed that Theresa May this week rejected a call to ban shops opening on Boxing Day on the grounds that it’s not her job to tell businesses how to run themselves (yeah, and it’s also handy being able to return a pair of £995 leather trousers for being the wrong shade of brown, too). But for whose benefit are 400,000 shop workers being forced to cut their Christmas in half? Veteran tight-wads who plant their backsides in store doorways at dawn just to get £100 off a new telly or buy next year’s Christmas cards at 50p a box? I can’t think of less-deserving people.

Sorry, I can. The bosses who could easily afford to hold off their sales for one day to reward their workers with a proper Christmas, but who choose instead to screw them for every ounce of sweat.

It’s become a disturbing trend and, unsurprisi­ngly, the poorest are hit the hardest.

Scottish Amazon workers are currently sleeping in tents next to a motorway to be near to the company warehouse because, not being paid the living wage, they can’t afford the daily travel costs.

Workers are striking at a Solihull warehouse that supplies Sir Philip Green’s Arcadia empire because of the low pay and brutal targets they’re set, with one employee saying: “We’re not humans anymore, we’re numbers.”

And undercover reporters have found conditions at JD Sports’ warehouse “worse than prison” with some staff threatened with the sack if they sit down.

As Iain Wright MP, chairman of a Commons’ inquiry into pay and conditions for low-paid workers, said: “We treat them like scum. We don’t give them any dignity or respect.”

There are ways of helping restore dignity at least to low-paid shop workers, though. Find out which stores are closed on Boxing Day and buy your Christmas presents there. I’ll be trying to get all of mine from John Lewis.

And on Boxing Day, just do what you had to do 30 years ago – anything other than walk around a shop.

If enough of us avoid them, bosses might think twice next year about paying unoccupied staff to sit around dozing off their hangovers.

The reality of work will hover over staff on Xmas Day

 ??  ?? NO USE Theresa May is dodging the issue
NO USE Theresa May is dodging the issue
 ??  ?? NOMINATION Claire Foy

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