Daily Mirror


- BY JACK BLANCHARD Political Editor

THE strength of feeling against Donald Trump’s disgracefu­l ban on Muslims continued to grow in Britain last night as protesters took to the streets in their thousands.

Angry UK demonstrat­ors joined their US counterpar­ts in voicing disgust at the president’s block on visitors from seven African and Middle-East countries going to the US even if they live there.

Central London was brought to a standstill as 10,000 people marched on Downing Street demanding Theresa May axe Mr Trump’s planned state visit.

The protests also spread to other cities across the country, including Manchester, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Liverpool and Birmingham. A petition urging the PM to halt the trip reached more than 1.5 million.

It came as Mrs May was branded an “appeaser” over her stubborn refusal to condemn Mr Trump’s Muslim ban. Downing Street tourists joined Londoners and celebritie­s in the noisy but peaceful protest in Whitehall. Some shouted: “Theresa May, shame on you.” One placard read: “First he came for the Muslims and Theresa May did not speak out.”

Among the stars on the demonstrat­ion were Bianca Jagger, Lily Allen and Gary Lineker, who was with two of his sons.

Inside the Commons, MPs turned on Mrs May over her cosying up to Mr Trump and her refusal to condemn his ban. But the arrogant PM refused to cave in and insisted the trip would go ahead.

Labour’s Mike Gapes branded the PM “Theresa the Appeaser” in a clear reference to leader Neville Chamberlai­n who stood by and did nothing as Hitler plotted war, murder and mayhem across Europe.

Fellow MP Yvette Cooper pointed out Mr Trump’s divisive order banning Muslims was signed on Holocaust Memorial Day. She told the PM: “For heaven’s sake,

 ??  ?? People are urging the PM to cancel visit
People are urging the PM to cancel visit
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 ??  ?? UNDER FIRE Trump & his defiant tweet
UNDER FIRE Trump & his defiant tweet

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