Daily Mirror

Runners hit by vegilantes

Escape artist tot climbs 5ft gates

- BY ADAM ASPINALL adam.aspinall @mirror.co.uk

DRIVE-BY yobs are pelting joggers with vegetables.

Runners have been targeted with potatoes, turnips and avocados hurled from a passing car.

One victim said: “Someone threw an avocado at my back while shouting something incoherent.”

Another in Cheltenham, Glos, said he was attacked in “a drive-by spudding”.

And a third said: “I was with a group of friends and we were pelted with eggs.

“Assuming it’s the same people, it would be great if the police could find them.”

A CHEEKY toddler is caught on camera climbing 5ft over two safety gates in an amazing great escape.

Nimble 21-month-old Leo Westlake has been nicknamed Houdini since he first walked at nine months.

He was never going to be confined to his room by one stair gate, so mum Alice put a second one on top.

But in minutes, grinning Leo had clambered over the barrier. Alice, 23, said: “It is just crazy, he’s like a little monkey. He’s the funniest baby I’ve ever met. He can say anything. He loves it. He’s just grown up really fast. I think it’s really cool as well.”

The mum-of-two, from Falmouth, Cornwall, said Leo had always been advanced for his age. She said: “He rolled over when he was eight weeks old. He’s not been a baby long.” He also loves escaping from his cot, high chair and even car seat, and the family had to nail their windows shut to stop him climbing out. Alice said: “He’s been quite full on and a bit of a handful. We don’t have a minute’s peace until he goes to bed.”

 ??  ?? HE’S OFF Leo starts his climb UP & AWAY Dizzy heights OVER TOP He is almost there HANDFUL Leo & mum Alice BREAKING OUT He’s free
HE’S OFF Leo starts his climb UP & AWAY Dizzy heights OVER TOP He is almost there HANDFUL Leo & mum Alice BREAKING OUT He’s free

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