Daily Mirror



Dear Coleen

I’m in my forties and single and I recently met a great man who swept me off my feet. He was a friend of a friend and he inundated me with emails and texts.

I was completely caught up by it all and we met up a few times for drinks and dinner. The first time we went out we had the most amazing sex and he stayed at my flat.

The same thing happened the next few times, but then I realised a lot of the things he was telling me weren’t adding up. In our initial texts he told he had his own business, but then I heard him on the phone to his boss. He was really vague about where he lived too and always insisted on coming back to mine.

When I confronted him about these things he just shrugged them off, tried to charm me or he’d become defensive.

Soon afterwards he stopped contact altogether and now he won’t respond to any of my texts or emails. This is somebody who used to text me the moment he woke up in the morning, throughout the day and last thing at night.

To make matters worse I’ve also found out that he had a girlfriend all along. Why do men behave like this?

Coleen says

If I knew the answer to that I’d be a millionair­e. I really don’t know why men do things like this, but it’s important to remember not all of them do.

I guess it’s because this man wanted one thing and he knew that flattering you, and making you feel great, would most likely end in sex. And then if you wanted more from the situation he’d move on to the next woman. That’s probably why he’s on a dating site. But don’t let this dent your confidence. You’ve been unlucky, but don’t blame yourself. Anybody would be taken in by somebody so charming. Charmers go for nice women who want to find somebody. At some point we’ve all fallen for one so don’t beat yourself up over this. Forget about him and move on.

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