Daily Mirror

Hubby had vasectomy, now I’m broody again


Dear Coleen

Five years ago, my husband and I both agreed that he should have a vasectomy after we had our second child. Now I’m yearning to have another baby and I’m starting to resent him for getting the snip. I’m 33, he’s 32 and we have a 10-year-old son and a six-year-old daughter.

My husband freely admits he didn’t enjoy the first few years of bringing up our kids, especially as our daughter was so difficult. She was an awful sleeper and by the time she turned one she’d run us completely ragged.

So much so, that even though he was only 27, my husband was adamant he didn’t want any more kids. I thought he would be refused the snip because of his age, but the doctor OK’d it and referred him for surgery within weeks.

At the time I was probably 90% sure I didn’t want more kids, but my husband had lost all faith in contracept­ion as our son was conceived when I was on the pill and our daughter when I had the coil fitted.

I’ll admit the past few years have been great – our daughter finally settled and has turned into a lovely little girl. Now my husband dotes on her, along with our son.

I can tell he’s content with what he’s got, but lately I’ve begun to feel broody. I’ve started feeling angry and resentful towards him and I’m kicking myself for letting him go through with the op.

What do you suggest?

Coleen says

Well, I admire him for being honest – he’s content and enjoying his kids now and doesn’t want any more.

I understand your broodiness. I’m 52 and even now when I see babies, I yearn for when my kids were the same age.

You are 33 so your biological clock is probably screaming that it’s now or never, but try to think logically instead of emotionall­y about the situation.

You agreed with your husband at the time. It was a joint decision to have the snip so you can’t throw it back in his face now. You also have to remind yourself of all those hard, stressful times and why you made that decision.

When you go for a coffee with your friends and see their babies, of course it’s all lovely. But they’re going home afterwards to a long shift that will probably involve them being up five or six times during the night.

You’re at a point now where you can really enjoy your kids and also have more opportunit­y to spend time with your husband, and on yourself.

Do you really want to blow all that out of the water?

It would be a real shame to spoil what you have by spending your time regretting that decision and resenting your husband. You have to find peace with it and counsellin­g could help, especially if you don’t feel you can discuss it with your husband.

 ??  ?? I resent him even though we both agreed to the op
I resent him even though we both agreed to the op

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