Daily Mirror

Tory diesel scrappage car crash

Air pollution scheme gets ridiculed

- BY GRAHAM HISCOTT Business Editor graham.hiscott@mirror.co.uk

MILLIONS of diesel drivers are fuming over the Government’s “half-baked” air pollution plans.

Ministers have floated the idea of a “targeted scrappage scheme” to get dirty diesels off our roads.

But the proposals were slammed for lacking detail, meaning ongoing uncertaint­y for owners of Britain’s 12 million diesel vehicles.

Dr Doug Parr, Greenpeace UK’s chief scientist, said: “We have heard a lot about ‘strong leadership’ from Theresa May, but there is none of it in a half-baked plan that puts poll ratings before people’s health.”

The Air Quality Plan yesterday came just days before a legal deadline to publish proposals to tackle nitrogen dioxide pollution.

But the final document will now come after the general election.

The AQP said “a targeted scrappage scheme for older, more polluting vans or cars could be developed to contribute to the cost of purchasing a cleaner vehicle”. But there was no suggested figure in the consultati­on, just options. An idea of scrapping all diesel cars apart from those with Euro 6 engines at a cost of £60billion was deemed too expensive. But it did suggest a one-year scheme to trade in 9,000 of the most-polluting diesel vehicles, and 6,000 old petrol vehicles. Owners could be offered grants of £8,000 each to put towards buying cleaner electric cars, at a cost of £110million to the Government.

Environmen­t Secretary Andrea Leadsom claimed: “Improving air quality is a key priority in building a stronger and cleaner economy.”

Air pollution is linked to 40,000 early deaths a year in the UK.

THE Tory Government needs to understand owners of diesel cars bought them in good faith and in many cases were actually sold vehicles as green motors.

Evidence suggests diesel emissions contribute to air pollution, killing as many as 40,000 Brits a year, so it is right to take action.

But, instead of clobbering diesel owners with financial penalties, Environmen­t Secretary Andrea Leadsom must accept it is only fair to properly compensate drivers.

Her hint of a paltry scrappage scheme was the slow lane response of a juddering Minister who deserves to be scrapped herself.

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