Daily Mirror

PM May: I back fox hunting

PM admits Mirror is right and confesses she backs cruel fox hunting

- BY BEN GLAZE, JACK BLANCHARD and KEIR MUDIE ben.glaze@mirror.co.uk

THERESA May supports fox hunting and wants MPs to lift the ban, she told the Mirror.

I get to decide when I take the bins out, not if I take them PHILIP MAY ON HOME LIFE WITH THE PRIME MINISTER

THERESA May yesterday confessed she wants to bring back fox hunting – after the Mirror exposed a secret Tory plot to repeal the ban.

And the PM admitted she will hold a free vote for MPs if she wins the election.

Speaking to our reporter in Leeds, she said: “I have always been in favour of fox hunting and we maintain our commitment to allow a free vote. It would allow Parliament the opportunit­y to take a decision on it.”

But Jeremy Corbyn blasted: “It’s a warped sense of priorities when Theresa May thinks the return of fox hunting is something the majority of people would support.” He added: “I opposed it as a teenager and am proud to have voted against it in Parliament. I’ll do everything I can to prevent the return of this so-called sport to Britain.” The Mirror yesterday told how hunt masters are “mobilising” support on behalf of Mrs May, believing a Tory landslide will give her the majority to repeal BIG CHANCE Lord Mancroft sent email

the 2004 ban. David Cameron promised a vote on repealing it his 2010 and 2015 election manifestos but never delivered.

He didn’t have a large enough majority in the Commons to be sure of success, as a small group of animal-loving Tory MPs are opposed to bringing back fox hunting.

But in a leaked email published in yesterday’s Mirror, the Council of Hunting Associatio­ns said it believes the free vote can be won, and the Hunting Act repealed, if Mrs May wins by a landslide.

CHA chairman and Tory peer Lord Mancroft wrote in the email: “A majority of 50 or more would give us a real opportunit­y for repeal of the Hunting Act.”

But some of the new Tory intake of MPs could also be anti fox hunting – meaning it is impossible to predict at this stage whether Mrs May’s plan will succeed.

Animal rights campaigner­s praised the Mirror for exposing the plot and begged would-be MPs to make a stand.

League Against Cruel Sports chief Eduardo Goncalves said: “Many thanks to the Mirror for revealing details of this plot to bring back hunting.”

Polls last year showed 84% of the public, and 72% of Conservati­ve voters, backed the ban on hunting with hounds.

Mr Goncalves added: “This smacks of a small minority with a cruel hobby wielding an inappropri­ately large influ-m ence over the people in charge. Are we really going to turn the clock back to a time when killing animals for fun was legal?”

And RSPCA chief David Bowles added: “Fox hunting is a barbaric and brutal practice that has no place in civilised society.”

Shadow Environmen­t Secretary Sue Hayman promised Labour would fight lifting the ban. She added: “The Conservati­ves are using the issue to distract from a neglect and lack of vision for rural communitie­s.”

The League Against Cruel Sports today calls for a ban on grouse shooting, the hiking of maximum sentences for animal cruelty to five years, and for Britain to lead a global fight against big-game trophy hunts.

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FLUSHED OUT Fox shot after legal chase by hounds in 2005
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 ??  ?? HOUND OUT PM says lift ban
HOUND OUT PM says lift ban
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