Daily Mirror

Tory leader’s putting the con back into Conservati­ve

- BY YVETTE COOPER Yvette Cooper is a Labour MP and Commons Home Affairs Committee chair


May is putting the “con” back into Conservati­ves.

Her policies have already hit working class communitie­s hard – and she will do more of the same again in future.

Tory policies May has already voted for mean three million hard-working families will lose £2,500 a year from tax credits.

Nurses, NHS staff and other public sector workers have seen their pay cut year after year – with some forced to go to foodbanks.

She says the Tories are protecting school budgets – when thousands are losing hundreds of thousands of pounds.

She says the Tories support the police, but as Home Secretary, she cut 20,000 police officers. And she wants to cut capital gains tax for the wealthy.


The Tories’ own figures show next year they will cut spending on the NHS – while patients wait on trolleys in corridors.

As for her latest promised target on immigratio­n, it’s the same failed target she promised to meet for seven years – and it has gone up.

She swore blind there wouldn’t be a snap election then called one because she wants a big majority to force through the policies which will hit working class communitie­s hard.

As for Brexit, we need a good deal for the whole country, but Tory MPs want to use it to slash workers’ rights instead.

She’s asking people in the North to deliver her a massive majority, when the last time the Tories had one, they starved the North and coalfield communitie­s. Don’t let them get away with it.

 ??  ?? TRUST Yvette Cooper
TRUST Yvette Cooper

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