Daily Mirror



Fiona, thank you for saying that there should be no need for the phrase “black lives matter”. However, if black lives matter as much as white lives, why aren’t police on the estates performing “stop and search”?

If 11 white lives had been lost to knife crime in the past week, as was the case with the black men killed in the last seven days, I get the feeling more would be done. Neville, via e-mail FP: Have to say, I was thinking the same, Neville.

Fiona, I read your article... all lives matter. I just wish that many more people like yourself were given more credit for speaking the truth. And, yes, I am black and successful­ly running my company in Cardiff and driving a BMW X5. Keep speaking out. Trevor Johnson, via e-mail FP: Thank you, Trevor – that really means a lot.

Fiona, our PM keeps repeating: “A vote for us is a vote for STRONG AND STABLE LEADERSHIP.”

Would this be the same leadership that’s run our precious NHS into the ground? Social and mental health care into crisis? Slashed police numbers? Nurses and teachers only allowed a 1% pay rise, yet MPs continue to claim inflated expenses? Cuts to our armed forces?

More years of this strong and stable leadership? NO! Alf Bibby, via e-mail FP: Sorry, Alf, I had to cut your very long list right down – it would have covered the whole page otherwise!

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