Daily Mirror

Tory: Foodbank users just have cash flow issues

So what do you think of Mrs May’s manifesto?

- BY DAN BLOOM Political Reporter dan.bloom@mirror.co.uk VOICE OF THE MIRROR: PAGE 8 CORBYN PAX PUNCH: PAGES 10&11

A TOP Tory was branded “stupid and deeply offensive” yesterday after he insisted most foodbank users are not poverty-stricken.

Dominic Raab said people with “cash flow problems” were to blame for surging demand at the Trussell Trust, which gave out 1.2 million food parcels last year.

The ex-Justice Minister told an election debate led by the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire: “I’ve studied the Trussell Trust data.

“The typical user is not someone languishin­g in poverty, it’s someone who has a cash flow problem episodical­ly.” He faced an instant backlash from the audience and co-panellists but insisted: “No, it’s true!” But the Trussell Trust said the main reason for 28% of referrals in 2015-16 was “benefit delays”, then 23% for “low income”, 13% for “benefit changes” and 7% for debt. Overall, 42% cited benefits issues. A spokesman said: “People living in poverty are more likely to experience a sudden short-term crisis.” An audience hit out at Mr Raab, saying: “People are using food banks because salaries haven’t increased. We’re the sixth richest country in the world. It’s an absolute disgrace that anybody has to go to a foodbank.”

Lib Dem leader Tim Farron said Mr Raab’s “stupid and deeply offensive comments... shame him and his party”. He added: “People are hurting and the Tories, with comments like this, show they just don’t care.”

Labour’s Emily Thornberry added: “People should not need to rely on foodbanks. This is not right.”

And Labour election co-ordinator Andrew Gwynne said Mr Raab was blaming poor foodbank users for “seven years of Tory failure”.

 ??  ?? 1 Mrs May posts leaflet in door 3 He dumps policies, with a chuckle 2 Resident tells PM and Zac thoughts THIS voter knows where Theresa May’s manifesto belongs…
The laughing resident dumped a leaflet the PM had delivered in the bin yesterday, after telling her exactly what he thought of it.
Mrs May was in Richmond, South West London, with Tory hopeful Zac Goldsmith.
1 Mrs May posts leaflet in door 3 He dumps policies, with a chuckle 2 Resident tells PM and Zac thoughts THIS voter knows where Theresa May’s manifesto belongs… The laughing resident dumped a leaflet the PM had delivered in the bin yesterday, after telling her exactly what he thought of it. Mrs May was in Richmond, South West London, with Tory hopeful Zac Goldsmith.
 ??  ?? ‘STUPID’ Tory Raab
‘STUPID’ Tory Raab
 ??  ??

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