Daily Mirror


Wills must use 20th anniversar­y to keep Diana’s memory alive


GO, William, go! Shout your mother’s name from the palace rooftops – but be careful, the grey suits at the palace won’t like it.

This 20th anniversar­y year of Diana’s passing is a historic and important occasion and I know that you and Harry will make your mother proud. You have the best platform to restore her image and to tell a new generation how incredible she was.

If there is another place after this life, she will be watching over you all. That is what she believed and shortly after the death of Gianni Versace and her dear friend the art dealer Adrian Ward-Jackson, I remember what Diana told me: “When you lose someone you love, you never let go; a piece of them travels with you for the rest of your life.” So never feel that you have to let go because you do not.

I have watched you and Harry grow, and I see your mother in all that you are and all that you do. She would be so proud of you both, together with Catherine, George and particular­ly Charlotte as I know how she longed for a little girl herself.

Looking at the pictures in GQ, I am reminded of the relaxed and informal life she so craved for you and Harry. Your childhood at Highgrove was the closest she ever got to giving you a normal life. You know only too well how stifling, artificial and toxic a palace life can be at times, so visits to Thorpe Park, Alton Towers and Bristol Zoo were her antidote.

Hamburgers, ice cream and water pistols she felt formed better childhood memories than formal meals at Sandringha­m and Balmoral.

Your mother was the most inspiratio­nal woman I have ever met. You and Harry are her legacy. She was with you long enough to instil in you her dreams and ideals. Continue her work, enjoy your life and, when you are king, please restore her titles and lift her high into the place she richly deserves.

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