Daily Mirror

Corbyn Pax real punch

Labour chief’s best performanc­e yet in live TV grilling

- BY JACK BLANCHARD Political Editor and BEN GLAZE Deputy Political Editor jack.blanchard@mirror.co.uk

JEREMY Corbyn last night delivered the best TV performanc­e of his leadership as he insisted he is ready to become Prime Minister next week.

You can invest in the future – or vote for austerity JEREMY CORBYN ON LABOUR VS TORIES Hospitals are closing, I see staff at their wits’ end NHS WORKER SAVAGES MAY OVER HEALTH CUTS

Critics from all sides of the political spectrum praised the Labour leader as he survived a live grilling from a Sky TV studio audience and presenter Jeremy Paxman.

Vowing he is ready to become PM, Mr Corbyn said: “The choice is clearly there.

“This manifesto – investing for the future, taxing a bit more for corporatio­ns and the very wealthiest. Or you can go down the road of continuing cuts in all areas of public austerity.

“I don’t want to live in a country of food banks, of homeless people. I want to live in a country that really does care for all.

“I am very proud of this manifesto, proud to lead this party. And I will be very proud to put this manifesto into action.”

In the live Sky/Channel 4 show Mr Corbyn tackled questions about security, defence and past meetings with the IRA.

And he handled bulldog interviewe­r Mr Paxman with aplomb, raising laughs when he was asked why abolishing the monarchy is not in his manifesto, given his republican views. He smiled: “There’s nothing in there because we’re not going to do it.”

However, he struggled when pressured about his opposition to the Falklands War and refused to say if he would sanction a drone strike on an Islamic State jihadi. He said: “It’s a completely hypothetic­al question. You have to look at the evidence to make that fatal decision.”

It came as a survey showed Labour closing the gap on the Tories.

The Survation poll for Good Morning Britain – taken before last night’s TV show – found Theresa May’s lead has been slashed to just six points. Support for Labour has soared by 8% in the two weeks since the last Survation/GMB poll,. The survey also found almost half of those questioned agreed with Mr Corbyn’s statement that Western military interventi­on abroad puts Britain at greater risk of terror attacks. Mrs May was also grilled on TV last night, receiving a far rougher ride from the studio audience. A police officer blasted the “devastatin­g” cuts to the number of bobbies on the beat since 2010. And a furious pensioner from Wigan savaged the PM over her hated plan to force people to pay for their care with their own homes after their deaths. He told her: “I don’t like the prospect of being unable to leave [my house] to our family without a greatly eroded value – which is what I fear would happen if you introduced your dementia tax.” An NHS worker also criticised the “chronic underfundi­ng of the health service.” Mrs May insisted the Tories are pledging real-terms increases in the NHS budget. But the young nurse shot back: “I see a lot of efficiency savings that are actually cuts. “I see hospitals closing, I see staff that are at their wits’ end.” Broadcaste­r David Dimbleby thinks Jeremy Corbyn is treated unfairly by the media. He said: “I don’t think anyone could say Corbyn has had a fair deal at the hands of the press – in a way Labour did when it was more to the centre.”

 ??  ?? Jeremy Corbyn & Theresa May
Jeremy Corbyn & Theresa May

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