Daily Mirror

Coin it in with a better deal on bills

Get smart and cut the burden of your monthly outgoings


We are surprised by the amount we’ve saved by switching to better deals and paying by direct debit

A THIRD of us spend our entire wages on living costs and a further third struggle to live comfortabl­y on what we earn.

Inflation may have fallen a tiny bit last month to 2.6%, but that’s unlikely to make any real difference to the finances of many families as pay rises fail to keep up with the cost of living.

More than three quarters of us think our bills are too expensive.

Over half think council tax is overpriced and similar numbers reckon train tickets cost too much, rents are too high and sky-high house prices mean property doesn’t offer value for money these days, according to research from MakeItChea­per.

It’s no wonder, as new figures show regular household bill payments, such as for rent/mortgage, energy and council tax, are sucking up £8,200 a year from the average household.

Meanwhile bills for mobile phones and car insurance add an extra £2,300.

The figures, from Bacs Payment Schemes Limited, the people behind Direct Debits, are drawn from more than 170million anonymised Direct Debits processed each month.

They give the clearest picture of the actual amount we spend on regular bills, as opposed to prediction­s and forecasts.


On top of those regular monthly bill payments, the Office for National Statistics says households spend an average of £53.20 a week on food shopping – that adds almost £2,800 to the essential outgoings annual bill.

This comes as the latest lending figures from the Bank of England show the amount of credit we have taken out soared 10.3% in the past year to £199.7billion.

And a shocking survey from Scottish Widows revealed that threequart­ers of households are forced to rely on credit to make ends meet.

Things really are looking pretty bleak for huge numbers of families, with a dangerous financial cocktail of rising prices and higher debt levels mixed with stagnant wages and the risk of an interest rate rise.

This is making saving virtually impossible for millions of people, leaving them at risk without an essential financial safety net should they suffer a setback.

Aviva research earlier this year revealed the average low-income household had just £95 tucked away for a rainy day.

That same research also found that home ownership in 2017 was at its lowest level for four years, with less than two-thirds of families owning their own property.

Storm Macauley-Leak, 26, knows too well how difficult it is to try to save while attempting to pay off debt and keep on top of rent and bills.

She is frustrated at the long, hard slog ahead she and her partner Bobby Cerga, 25, face to scrape together the deposit to buy a home.

The pair rent a house in a village just outside the cathedral city of Ely in Cambridges­hire.

They’re keen to get themselves on the housing ladder but, despite having a combined income of just over £50,000, are finding the prospect of raising the deposit very daunting.

“We’ve been renting for almost a year and saving is tough given all our regular outgoings,” says Storm, who works as an in-house recruiter with charity Royal Mencap Society.

“On the plus side, we’ve both been working hard to reduce the debts we brought with us. But that means we haven’t been able to put any money to one side for a deposit. And we really do want to be able to buy before we’re too much older.”

Storm and Bobby are not alone. Research from Halifax carried out last year found that the average age of a firsttime buyer in the UK is 30, rising to 34 in the South East.

This is hardly surprising, when the average value of a home rose 4.1% during the last year to £216,000 in March.

But there are ways you can cut back on spending and help to keep bills in check.

Storm and Bobby have taken steps to reduce their outgoings, allowing them to tackle their debt and have the chance of getting into the savings habit a bit more effectivel­y.

With a few tweaks and changes to some of their finances they have managed to chop over £300 a month off their bills.

Storm says: “We have had to get much smarter with our bills so we could try to make some savings.

“We are surprised at the amount we have managed to save by simply switching to better deals and changing our payment method to direct debit.

“Small changes can really add up. I think we’re at around £300 per month, which will add up to around £3,600 per year – pretty impressive.

“This is giving us extra cash to get our debts cleared a little quicker and, eventually, we can get down to the task of saving for that deposit.”

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