Daily Mirror



Cert Running time An astonishin­g commitment to journalism sits at the heart of this extraordin­ary and harrowing documentar­y.

The Arab Spring uprising of 2011 threw the Syrian city of Raqqa into the barbarous grip of ISIS.

We only know the full extent of the medieval barbarity they inflicted on the populace due to the incredible efforts of four ordinary men who took it upon themselves to become citizen journalist­s.

At great personal cost, their activist group Raqqa Is Being Slaughtere­d Silently put online secretly filmed footage showing the true, horrifying spectacle of the ISIS regime.

They ensured the world knew about the public beheadings, crucifixio­ns and executions, all of which we witness here in graphic detail.

This is a fascinatin­g exploratio­n of how the written word has been supplanted by smartphone­s and the internet as vehicles for political change.

And the dignity, courage and faith demonstrat­ed by the keyboard warriors will haunt you long after the final credits.

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