Daily Mirror

Chill out, we should be bosom buddies


THERE are a few things in Britain you can depend on to divide women… being a working mother, using a dummy, and Tom Hiddleston – is he really all that?

Nazis” who’s holier-than-thou attitude towards the whole fandango has done far more harm than good.

All they’ve achieved is to make those who can’t or don’t breastfeed feel second rate. These are the censorious women with their breastfeed­ing selfies who’ve drawn battle lines in milk.

Whatever anyone’s view, there are some incontrove­rtible facts.

The Lancet reported last year: “Breast milk makes the world healthier, smarter, and more equal.”

It protects against infection, reduces child mortality in developing countries and lessens obesity in richer countries.

I breast fed all three of my children. It wasn’t always easy or convenient. But on the plus side it was quick. And free. Would I tell others to do it? If you want. If you don’t, get stuck into the SMA.

Will it give my children a head start in life? Not if they’re cracking open the alcopops when they reach 14. There are no hard and fast rules. It works for some women. It doesn’t for others. And none of it means anyone is a better or worse mother or loves their child any more or any less.

It really is time women stopped screeching at each other about this and started screeching at those who are taking away our midwives, our postnatal classes and maternity support.

Then we can all get back to rowing about Tom Hiddleston. I mean, really, he’s not all that is he? Brits are still uncomforta­ble relating to breasts in anything other than a Barbara Windsor in Carry On Camping kind of way.

So the thought youngsters might be taught about (whisper it) breasts. Or (God forbid) nipples... well it’s enough to send a shiver through the national chest.

And of course therein lies the problem. Or one of the problems.

The other problem is breastfeed­ing can be utterly hellish. Really grim. Until you’ve had cracked nipples, oozing blood and a baby latching on to them with the gusto of a Hoover nozzle, you really don’t know what pain is. Childbirth is the easy bit. But no one tells women that these days. New mums are often living far from female relatives. Meanwhile years of cuts to services means most pre and postnatal classes have been slashed and midwife services brought to their knees.

And so the support, humour and wisdom that can get women through most things has gone. And struggling new mums give up.

We’ve also got a job market which penalises women for taking time off so there’s pressure for us to return to work earlier and earlier.

Then there are the “breastfeed­ing

And then there’s the big one. Breastfeed­ing.

Women are driven to the point of frothing fury on the issue of whether breast is really best. Or whether it’s just the best way middle class yoghurt-weaving breastfeed­ers can flaunt their mothering prowess over the formula feeding masses.

Goodness knows how the boob became the battleline for modern motherhood – but it did. And the result, we learn this week, is that Britain now has one of the lowest breastfeed­ing rates, with just one third of children still being fed naturally at six months old.

A suggestion from the Royal College of Paediatric­s and Child Health, at its annual conference, that children as young as 11 should be taught about breastfeed­ing has been treated with much suspicion.

I’m guessing that’s because most

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