Daily Mirror



Fiona, thank you for your views on energy prices. I thought I was the only one who ever complained about them. My thoughts are with older people who can’t afford food and heating bills combined.

What is the point of OFGEM? If it can stand by and let these greedy companies get away with profits taken from the poor, it is also complicit. Chris Boland via e-mail

Fiona, you are absolutely right to sound off and rage at the companies that rob us. I’m assuming, though, that you’re a season ticket holder at your beloved Chelsea?

Another money grabbing organisati­on. Yet no mention of them in your piece. Martin Dixon via e-mail FP: I choose to purchase two season tickets from Chelsea, as a luxury, Martin. It’s a privilege, as I keep reminding my sons, who have to earn the right to use one of them. Gas, electricit­y, water, transport, telecommun­ications etc, are essential and should therefore be in public hands and not subjected to the market, which serves only to line shareholde­rs’ deep pockets.

Fiona, love, please keep your comments about Football to yourself. Or, better still, stick to cooking and washing which I am sure you are much better suited to. Jim, Manchester FP: Thanks Jim, love. I’m sure Manchester’s really proud of you. Btw, ‘football’ doesn’t need a capital F. You’re not much suited to English grammar are you?

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