Daily Mirror

You’re a lifesaver, grandad

He gives kidney to save tot

- BY MARTIN FRICKER martin.fricker@ mirror.co.uk MY HERO John with little Penny

A DOTING grandad saved his granddaugh­ter’s life by giving her one of his kidneys.

John Powell, 64, said it was a “no-brainer” to help three-yearold Penny, whose parents were told she would die within two years unless a donor was found.

Born with abnormal kidneys, chronic lung disease and two holes in her heart, little Penny has endured 11 stays in intensive care and numerous operations in her young life.

Her parents Stuart, 39, and Michelle were told she needed a kidney transplant last summer.

So when John was found to share the same blood type, meaning they were a match, he agreed straight away to give up an organ for her.

The fish market trader, who lives with his son and Penny in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, said: “As soon as they found I was a match, I was straight in.

“It was a no-brainer. Any grandad would do the same.”

It still took nearly 12 months for John to get the final clearance to become a donor.

The pair eventually went under the knife at separate hospitals in Birmingham in June.

John said: “I wasn’t nervous about the op because I knew it had to be done. The hospitals were brilliant. I was back on my feet in two days and visited Penny after four.

“The difference it has made is incredible. Penny is a bundle of fun, cheeky and full of mischief.

“We know there will be blips in the future but this operation has saved Penny’s life.”

John and IT manager son Stuart are urging others to donate their organs. Stuart said: “I don’t think everyone realises they can do it, too.”

“How do you say thank you? No gift is adequate. It was amazing. Within 24 hours Penny was livelier than she’d ever been. She has so much more energy and smiles so much more.”

The Mirror is calling for a change in organ donation law to an opt-out system, to save thousands more lives. Sign our petition at mirror.


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