Daily Mirror

The apple (shape) diet

It’s all gone apple-shaped for Brits – with 80% of us now storing fat mostly around our middles, according to new research. Try our easy plan to trim a few inches from your tum...

- By Caroline Jones

IF your jeans are feeling a bit snug around the middle, you’re far from alone. British waistlines are getting wider by the decade, according to the latest figures.

For years, the most common female shape was the classic pear, storing fat more around the bottom and thighs, but a new survey has found that over 80% of us are now apple-shaped – storing weight mainly around our tummies.

Experts are putting this shape change down to an increased reliance on processed sugary foods, which are more likely to lay down belly fat – spelling bad news for our health.

Why it’s a hazard

In apple-shaped people, fat gathers around the waist, creating a barrel-like tummy. Because it generally develops as we get older, this common thickening is often referred to as middle-aged spread.

But this shift in body shape from pears to apples affects much more than just the clothes we can squeeze into.

Recent research has found that fat around the middle actually wraps itself around the internal organs, triggering the release of toxic chemicals and substantia­lly increasing the risk of serious health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

But don’t panic – there’s plenty you can do to fight it.

How do you measure up?

To calculate your waist size, measure at the halfway point between the bottom of your ribs and your hipbone. If your waistline is more than 37ins (94cm) for men and 32ins (80cm) for women, it’s putting your health in danger.

But don’t despair – losing just two inches from your waist will slash your risk of early death by an impressive 60%.

With our simple plan, it’s easy to take a big bite out of your apple shape...

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