Daily Mirror


Arena bomb mum ‘feels’ for victims of latest horror

- Lewis.panther@ trinitymir­ror.com

BLOODIED Eve after blast in May A MUM caught up in the Manchester Arena bombing with her daughters has said the Barcelona attacks brought back horrific memories.

Natalie Senior had travelled from Bradford to enjoy the Ariana Grande concert with Eve, 14, and Emilia, 12.

After the blast, bloodied Eve was pictured in reports across the globe.

She and Natalie suffered shrapnel wounds and burns to their legs. Emilia was also injured. Natalie said: “When I saw the Barcelona attack on the news I felt for those families who had lost someone or been hurt like we had. We’ve been through it so we know what a journey it is for any family caught up in it.


“There are things as a mother that are really hard to deal with. For a while Eve had to crawl up the stairs because of her injuries. “You worry about how they are, not just physically but psychologi­cally. “I have made a pact to not hone in on the evil because hatred is the worst emotion. For now, Manchester is a massive part of lives and we still have a long way to go.” Eve said of the image of her, which made front pages: “When it happened I had no idea my picture had gone everywhere. “At first I dyed my hair because I didn’t want people to recognise me.” Recalling the May 22 atrocity, she said: “I remember being thrown forward. I thought my legs were on fire but it was just my jeans. A woman came and pulled me up and said, ‘We need to get out’.”

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