Daily Mirror

May stay will hand victory to Corbyn


Prime Minister Theresa May has brought the art of selfdelusi­on to new heights with her declaratio­n that she intends to stay on as Prime Minister until 2022. It would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic.

The Britain we know and love is literally hanging on by a thread. The announceme­nts coming out of the PM’s mouth are so utterly ridiculous that we would be foolish to believe anything she says.

Theresa May is the most incompeten­t premier in the history of this country. The whole of Europe is laughing at us and yet May still doesn’t get it.

Even as she approaches the end of her political career she is in a full state of self denial.

Forget it, Mrs May, it’s over.

Shaun Shute, Gloucester

# I very much doubt Theresa May will lead the Tories into the next election. Firstly, many of her own MPs don’t want her and, secondly, she’s got form when it comes to saying one thing and meaning another. I very much hope she does go because under her the country is in a mess. She doesn’t have a clue on Brexit and her policies have all floundered like a wreck upon the shore. If there is a God up there he won’t let her persecute his flock any longer with her right-wing policies.

Michael Elias, Carmarthen

# As a 27-year-old who supports Jeremy Corbyn, I hope Theresa May stays on because it’ll mean he will win by a landslide.

May is extremely arrogant and deluded. Who could forget her rushing to hold vile Trump’s hand on her visit to the White House, or thinking she was a shoo-in for the election? She’s like Tony Blair – finished.

Steven McNamara, Middlesbro­ugh, Teesside

# I am pretty sure most Tory MPs are happy for May to be the lightning rod to take all hits for the mess that they have created. Once they make her a scapegoat, they will dump her and try a rebrand, claiming that their appalling treatment of the disabled, the Brexit fiasco, underfundi­ng of public services and bribing the DUP was all Theresa’s doing and not theirs.

Richard Eyre, via Facebook

# Toxic Theresa May is a typical self-serving Tory who uses power to promote the interests of the rich. She couldn’t care less about the working class of this country. If there was an election tomorrow, Jeremy Corbyn would win hands down.

M Archer, Bolton, Gtr Manchester

# Theresa May has betrayed her own party, telling them she would step down after Brexit and now saying she is in it for the long term. It seems this woman just cannot stop telling lies.

Mick Allen, via Facebook

# I believe Theresa May will go the same way Maggie Thatcher did – stabbed in the back by her own party. I hope Jacob Rees-Mogg takes over and tips the Tories into the abyss.

Colin Davies, Liverpool

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