Daily Mirror

Opt-out for organ donors a life-saver


This new opt-out system should be brought in immediatel­y. It makes complete sense and would save so many lives. It’s a no-brainer. Most people wouldn’t think about this issue unless a friend or family member was affected.

Luckily, I have not had to face such a trauma, but if I did, I would hope that my loved one would get an organ if they needed it.

What is the point of having your organs buried with you when you die, when they could be used to save a life?

There should definitely be a change in the law. Stephanie Wells Honiton, Devon # I have been waiting months for a lung transplant and it’s so hard to keep going. What is wrong with this Government? An opt-out system should have been brought in years ago. These MPs are playing with people’s lives. Why wouldn’t you want a change in the organ donation system? I don’t understand why this isn’t happening now. It’s crazy. So many people are on the waiting lists. There are no excuses. Clive Johnson Margate, Kent # This should have been done from the start – if you are so antiorgan donation then you’ll opt out. If not, then your organs can save lives. Simple. Dillyn Feathersto­ne Manchester # Theresa May is betraying all of the people who voted for her by playing with lives. Why has Wales already adopted this system and not England? If you live in Wales, you have a better chance of getting an organ if you need one. It doesn’t make sense.

More Tory nonsense. They need to pull their fingers out. Shawn Gless, Brighton # When I saw little Max Johnson’s smiling face, it was hard not to think about all the other children who haven’t been so lucky.

What about those other poor parents who are waiting to hear if their child can get a transplant? It’s heartbreak­ing. How many more children have to die before things change?

I’m lucky that my children are fit and healthy, and every day I thank God that they are.

I simply can’t imagine what it’s like to face such heartache. Something

has to be done. NOW! Janet Price, Birmingham # I have always thought it should be a personal choice to decide whether to donate organs or not. But I think things have got so bad now with too many people waiting for organs. It’s time for a rethink. The new system, where people actually have to say they don’t want to donate, is

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