Daily Mirror

UK trade deficit hits record high


CHANCELLOR Philip Hammond suffered a triple whammy of setbacks yesterday ahead of next month’s Budget.

First it was announced that Britain’s trade gap with the rest of the world had ballooned to a record high £14.2billion in August. Figures from the Office for National Statistics showed the UK exported £28.2bn worth of goods but imported £42.4bn. The widening gap dispels prediction­s that the weak pound since last year’s Brexit vote would boost exports by making UK-made goods cheaper abroad. Next, the Office for Budget Responsibi­lity warned the country’s productivi­ty would slow still further over the next five years, meaning the Government will rake in less than expected in tax. That could, in turn, hit Hammond’s plans to loosen the purse strings in the Budget and any plans he has to balance the books.

Then the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund capped a bad day for the Chancellor by slashing its forecast for the economy. The US-based body cut its prediction for growth this year by 0.3% to 1.7%, but kept its 2018 forecast at 1.5%.

The UK was the only major economy that failed to see growth revised higher by the IMF. TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “These forecasts are worrying. Brexit uncertaint­y is stifling growth and scaring off investors. The Government needs to start acting in the national interest and ignore those who want a kamikaze Brexit.” John McDonnell, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, called the OBR’s report a “damning indictment of the last seven years of Tory economic failure”. He added: “We need no more proof that their austerity approach has failed to boost living standards or improve the long-term potential of the UK economy. “Next month’s Budget cannot be another exercise in kicking the can down the road by Philip Hammond. “We need to see substantia­l action.”

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TRIPLE WOE Chancellor

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